The ticket ceiling hit Danny’s tour again – two shows cancelled

Danny’s 80th anniversary tour has had to be canceled due to poor ticket sales.

Danny’s tour has about thirty concerts. Atte Kajova

Ilkka “Danny” Lipsanen’s 80th anniversary tour is currently going around Finland. The tour, which started in Ylivieska on October 14, will culminate in Helsinki’s Kulttuuritalo at the beginning of December.

The closing concert, originally planned for the Helsinki Ice Hall, was moved to smaller venues due to slow ticket sales. In this case, the tour spokesperson Tom Lindblom justified the matter by saying that they wanted to ensure a full house.

– As we know, people buy tickets really late these days. Instead of guessing how the tickets will sell, we already moved the gig to Kultsa. The sold-out Kultsa is better than the insufficient Jäähalli.

Now weak ticket sales have hit the tour again. The artist’s two concerts have had to be canceled due to the loss of tickets. These are the Pieksämäki and Kokkola concerts.

The main promoter of Loud’N’Live, which acts as a gig organizer Kalle Keskinen commented on the matter to Iltalehte, confirming that the cancellations were due to poor sales.

– Unfortunately, the tickets in those two cities did not move as expected, so in agreement with the artist we came to this result, Keskinen says.

However, he reminds us that canceling two shows on a massive 30-concert tour is not at all unusual.

– It’s a very small amount for such a massive closing tour.

The music advisor Lipsanen himself wondered why the concerts scheduled for the next few weeks are still running after being canceled. He himself had no idea why they were canceled in the first place.

– They haven’t been in my sink for a long time, he commented.

However, Loud’N’Live’s Keskinen is optimistic that Danny’s career-ending concert at Helsinki’s Kulttuuritalo will be a success.

– It’s Danny’s final concert and will sell out.

Danny talked about his upcoming tour at the beginning of the year.
