The three question mark projects by Schwarz-Rot

From Hildburg Bruns

The political poker for black and red dreams is on!

About fewer commuter cars on the streets of the capital, about the rebirth of another historic building next to the resurrected baroque palace – and about a mega-event that would bring Berlin worldwide attention and visitors for months.

Work and persuasion is required so that more of the plans remain than the letters in the freshly printed coalition agreement.

BZ checks three projects with three big question marks. How realistic are they actually???

The political poker for black and red dreams is on!

EXPO 2035: Can/does Berlin want to bring a mega event to the city? Expo 2035? The world exhibition was last held in Dubai, the last in Germany in 2000 in Hanover.

As with the Olympic Games, the application has a long lead time. The Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) infected politics with the Expo idea.

But State Secretary for Economic Affairs Michael Biel (42, SPD) is convinced: “There is only one chance if the city society participates broadly. If it were dictated by politics, it would be difficult.”

The Berlin idea: put sustainability in the shop window. Biel: “The conversion of a metropolis. Successfully change people’s everyday lives under the umbrella of climate protection.”

The Expo would then not be concentrated on one exhibition center, but in many neighborhoods.

OLD BUILDING ACADEMY: In August 2021, Berlin sold the federal government 2179 m² in the very best location near the palace – the space for the reconstruction of the Bauakademie. The Bundestag has approved 62 million euros for him.

Burnt out and demolished in 1962: Schinkel’s building academy, in which Prussia’s star architect also had an official apartment Photo: Erwin Schreyer; 1935

This project could soon bring senator for building Franziska Giffey (44) a lot of trouble: because the SPD politician is in favor of the comeback of the historic facade made of 656,048 red bricks. Entirely in the style of Prussia’s star architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781–1841).

The federal government, on the other hand, is planning a “demonstration project for a climate-friendly future of construction”.

In the coalition agreement, black and red are now demanding the original façade, otherwise they threaten a design regulation. Let’s see whether the builder agrees or whether a fallow remains.

PLAN B: Commuters from Brandenburg should switch to public transport before they reach the city limits.

Schwarz-Rot’s plan: Expand Berlin’s tariff zone B to the first station outside the city limits.

Whether in Tegel or Frohnau – there are numerous conflicts between residents and commuters over parked streets. Reason: suburban commuters want to save the more expensive C-zone ticket.

While the new senate wants to negotiate with the transport association (VBB) about an expansion of the cheaper B zone, the passenger association IGEB declines.

“Pure populism,” complains IGEB chairman Christfried Tschepe, “commuters’ cars should please stay outside of Berlin.” the transport companies.

Tschepe: “In addition, Berlin would be much more dependent on Brandenburg for tariff measures.”
