“The three ???”: NFT campaign with exclusive cover artwork

The NFT music platform twelve x twelve and Sony Music have teamed up for the radio play series “The Three ???”. to create some NFT cover art. On September 7th you can purchase the exclusive NFT art.

With the joint project, “The Three ???” are breaking new ground. According to twelve x twelve, the goal is to create a digital reinterpretation of the brand’s artwork surrounding the audio book. In the course of this, the cultural relevance of the popular radio play series is to be brought to the fore and new digital possibilities are to be exploited.

First NFT artwork for “The Three ???”

Jan Denecke, co-founder and CEO of twelve x twelve claims that the current digital offerings – and thus also NFT – are almost a must for artists these days. “Whether digital art, digital music or the curation of a digital community – digital assets do not stop at the big, exciting world of radio plays.”

The well-known youth series is exactly the right format for this. Denecke further explains: “Not only that the three ??? the
most successful radio play series in the world – the iconic cover artwork of the books and radio plays has always had great importance here, similar to vinyl records in the past, and has influenced generations. We are all the more looking forward to the reinterpretation of the cover artworks with unique artists.”

Two NFT drops are planned for the campaign, in which six media artists from the German NFT scene will reinterpret cover illustrations of cult cases involving the three detectives – including Andreas Preis, Ghozt, Marco Mori, Max Schwugier, Rabea Senftenberg and Stefan Große Halbuer . The creative results will be revealed on Drop Day.

The hype surrounding “The Three ???” is unbroken

With a success story spanning more than 50 years, “The Three ???” are among the most popular children’s crime novels in Germany. The books sold over 25 million. In addition, the black and colorful logo was a novelty on the children’s book market in the early 1970s. Artist Aiga Rasch told KOSMOS Verlag: “If you don’t like my design, then I’ll waive my fee”.

The first NFT drop will take place on September 7th. Fans can then purchase three of the artworks. In addition to the limited edition of NFT art, there will be an exclusive special edition with fine art print and digital artwork by the NFT artists.
