The thin thread that binds Sinner and Barrettini

Above all there is a great friendship between Jannik and Matteo. This is how the spark struck between the two giants of our tennis

Hugs, smiles, words of esteem and affection. Sinner encourages Berrettini, Matteo thanks and celebrates Jannik. Two apparently opposite worlds: one from the mountains and the other from the heat of Rome, those who are introverted and those who don’t disdain chatting, snow on one side and pine trees on the other, red hair against a dark beard. Carrot and hammer. “We are different but also similar”, assured Berrettini during the meeting with Sergio Mattarella. What Jannik and Matteo have in common is a dream called tennis, which the two blues each chase with their own weapons. Sinner – and with him an entire country – is waiting for Berrettini: how nice would it be to have them both at the top? A thread unites the two players who have made us dream in recent years, rewriting the pages of Italian tennis.
