Success is a subjective concept that everyone defines differently, but we can all agree that it implies achieving what you want. And this includes the personal and professional field. To achieve it, it is necessary to work on oneself and improve the skills that will allow us to achieve our goals. And this is precisely the objective of the proposal of “The ten commandments of success” of Tasters of emotions, a program focused on self-leadership through the impeccability of language, excellence and expansion.

Within the infinity of possibilities, we have chosen ten ways that we consider to be the basis for success and self-leadership, and that, consciously and committedly integrated, lead you to consistently achieve effective results. Each commandment focuses on a key aspect for your development, relying on self-observation and practice to transform obsolete habits and create ones that are truly aligned with your goals and objectives.

Here we explain each of them:

– Believing is creating: What we believe in becomes reality. This commandment invites you to realize the limiting beliefs that are in the unconscious and are preventing you from achieving the results you want and deserve.

– Your worst enemy is you: The stress we experience comes from the interpretation we make of what happens to us. Training ourselves to return to calm and inner peace improves our immune system and delays aging since it reduces the shortening of telomeres. Our physical health improves and our emotional health as well, also gaining in optimism, uncertainty management and effectiveness in decision making.

– What you put your attention to grows: The only reality is the one you decide to see. If you think the world is a dangerous place, your brain will look for evidence to prove it; and best of all is that “He’ll find it”. This is done by the SAR (Ascending Reticular System) responsible for the information that reaches our consciousness, functioning as a filter that chooses which part to discard and which to make conscious. You are going to learn to train your SAR and be the one who directs it to what is really important to you.

– Listen to your inner wisdom: We have a compass that shows us the direction of good decisions. Do you know where it is? They are the values; they provide you with a guideline for formulating goals and purposes. They reflect your most important interests, feelings and convictions. When your actions are aligned with who you are and what is important to you, everything works.

– Do not think of a pink elephant: Yes, we already know. you thought so This is how our brain works. And we ask you: How many affirmations with a NO in front do you repeat every day? It is that same NO, the one that is holding you back, without you being able to realize until now. Changing your language is a great investment in aligning yourself with what really you want to create

– Take care of knowing what you know how to do: What if we told you that it is much more powerful to put your energy and your time into enhancing what you already do well to improve it even more instead of spending hours, days and weeks to advance a little in what what costs you more? Focus on discovering and growing your talents.

– Make friends with your Lucy: Fear is one of the basic emotions, which protects us and keeps us alive. However, sometimes it blocks us, paralyzes us, or leads us to avoid circumstances that could help us evolve. Fear gives you information about what you need to learn. Therefore, we invite you to become friends with him.

– You are your own savior: Emotional pain turns on the same areas of the brain as physical pain. Feeling the circumstances of your life as a burden, staying anchored in the wounds and being a victim of them, it is as if you yourself were your executioner. It is never too late to resignify your past; see beyond the pain, and value the fact that you have been capable of great feats and learning.

– Gratitude is wealth: Give thanks every day. Connect with this powerful emotion. If you start using it consciously and connecting with that high vibration of gratitude, your life will become an exceptional life.

– Write your own adventure: This last commandment focuses on the power of writing to detect and make conscious what is affecting you from your unconscious. When you write, you have the opportunity to explore your thoughts and emotions in a deeper and more detailed way, allowing you to have a clearer understanding of yourself and your inner challenges. Writing also allows you to express your feelings in a safe and controlled way, without fear of being judged or hurt by others. Writing is a powerful technique to give shape and materiality to your goals, and help you reflect and build a life aligned with your values.

It is important to note that this process of changing through the 10 Commandments of Success takes time and commitment. Neuroscience has shown that repeating a new habit for 21 days is insufficient; it takes between 9 months and a year for new neural connections to actually be generated and new habits to become automatic. A process that, in a group, as they have done in several companies and with a chat in which the participants can share in a respectful context and that collaborates in contention and reflection, becomes a global progress for everyone in personally and professionally.

In summary, the course “The Ten Commandments of Success” by Catadores de Emotions is a unique opportunity to develop the necessary skills to achieve success in life, and to become an apprentice willing to leave old habits behind and dare to try something different. The final question we ask you is: Are you really committed to your personal and professional development? What would you be willing to stop doing to achieve it?


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