The temperature is rising and so is the demand for air conditioners

It will be warm at the end of this week, which means that many air conditioners will be running again. But those who had hoped to have an air conditioner installed quickly are out of luck. The air conditioning companies have been busy for months. “We do notice that it is getting hot, yes. As always,” says Guido van der Velden, the owner of Aircobrabant.

Profile photo of Jan Waalen

The employees of Aircobrabant can almost set the clock right. When it gets hot, the phones start ringing. “The number of applications goes up when it gets warmer,” says Van der Velden. Especially now that tropical temperatures have been predicted, the requests are pouring in. “There are certainly people who think ahead, but we still see that most people only start calling when it gets really hot, like this week.”

The company helps dozens of customers every week. But the people who are still calling for air conditioning will have to wait a while. “We do our best to help everyone as soon as possible, but this week will not work. Those people have to be patient.” The company has been busy for months, just like most air conditioning companies. “Things are certainly going well in the industry. Everyone is very busy at the moment,” says Van der Velden.

“The decision to buy an air conditioner has been made easier.”

Van der Velden attributes the rising demand for air conditioners mainly to the energy crisis. “People are now discovering that an air conditioner can also be used for energy-efficient heating. The decision to buy an air conditioner has then been made easier. Everyone wants to get rid of gas and many people generate electricity with solar panels. That generated electricity want to use them, and that is possible with the air conditioning.”

If you want to have an air conditioner installed, you should pay close attention. Now that the demand for air conditioners is growing, more and more air conditioner companies are popping up. But not every company works according to the rules, says Van der Velden. “An air conditioner must be installed by a recognized company. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. We see more and more companies that do not comply with the rules.”

READ ALSO: Sunny and warm start of the week, tropical towards the weekend
