“The team” before the end? decision at the end of July

According to President Bernd Neuendorf, the German Football Association will make a decision on the possible end of the marketing term “The Team” in the coming weeks.

“There is an end point. There will be meetings of the responsible bodies at the end of July, and a decision will definitely be made – I’m not a friend of endless stories,” said Neuendorf on Monday.

Before the decision, there should be a representative survey. “This qualitative survey should solidify our picture and round off the opinion. We need a little more certainty,” said Neuendorf: “But we don’t make ourselves dependent on surveys.”

DFB director Oliver Bierhoff was recently open to the abolition of the term “the team” for the national team. If the association’s executive committee decides to do so, he can “live with it,” said Bierhoff, who is considered the creator of the name.
