The TC meets urgently for the PSOE resource that may be key to the investiture


09/05/2023 at 13:57


The PSOE went to the Constitutional Court to get the count of the 30,302 null votes from abroad registered in Madrid to be reviewed

The Second Chamber of the Constitutional Court, with four progressive magistrates and two from the conservative sector, will meet at 6:00 p.m. this Tuesday to study the admission of the PSOE’s electoral protection appeal that seeks to review the recount of the 30,302 null votes abroad registered in Madrid. If the recount is accepted and it is positive for the interests of Pedro Sánchez – the seat to which the popular deputy agreed is at stake Carlos Garcia Adanero– Only the abstention of Junts would be required to achieve the investiture.

If the appeal were admitted, according to sources from the Constitutional Court consulted by this newspaper, it would be necessary to convene the Chamber again to enter the merits and decide on the estimate or not of the PSOE appeal. The decision could be referred to the plenary session if it is considered special relevance, which seems quite likely. For its part, the Prosecutor’s Office does not have to position itself before the admission process, but it will have to inform if the decision this afternoon is positive.

In its appeal, the PSOE asks the Constitutional Court to revoke the Supreme Court ruling that frustrated in the first instance the recount of votes by consider the political rights violated of the party led by Pedro Sánchez, specifically the fundamental right to passive suffrage and equal access to effective public office.

It alleges that there has been a “restrictive interpretation” of the articles of the electoral law regarding the general scrutiny and the possibility of opening all invalid votes recorded in the electoral documentation.
