The tax return is coming up again: do it yourself or is it wise to call in help? | Money

Many people see it as a mountain against completing the tax return and prefer to outsource it to a tax advisor, but is that really necessary? “If you think you’re missing out on money, get some advice.”

Tax season is upon us. From 1 March you can submit the tax return for the year 2022, you have until 1 May to do so. It depends on your situation how easy or difficult it is, says Joyce Donat of the Consumers’ Association.

“Imagine: you have had more or less the same income for years with the same employer as an employee and no surprising deductions, then you can simply check the declaration that has already been partially completed by the Tax Authorities in advance. You do have to go through the number of deductible items, because the Tax and Customs Administration does not fill that in for you. And that’s it.”


Have you bought or sold a house, are there special healthcare costs or other special situations in your life, then it is useful to have it checked

Dirk-Jan van Blijderveen, Dutch Order of Administration and Tax Experts (NOAB)

1. When is it wise to hire an accountant?
You have to be careful when things have changed, Donat sees. ,, Think of a divorce, death of a partner, retirement. And then of course it also depends on your own insight and knowledge.”

Dirk-Jan van Blijderveen, chairman of the Dutch Association of Administration and Tax Experts (NOAB), agrees. “Have you bought or sold a house, are there special healthcare costs or other special situations in your life that can have tax consequences, then it is useful to have it checked.”

Tax legislation is complex, says Van Blijderveen. “If you are in doubt, if you think you are missing out on money, seek advice. And you often see that other advice emerges during such a conversation. You’ve been through a divorce, have you thought about your will? Or your pension? And in addition: we are discussion partners. We do not assume bad faith.”

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2. How do you know if an accountant is reliable?
Out a survey by the Consumer Association in 2015 it turned out that tax advisers do not necessarily make fewer mistakes than consumers themselves. “In fact, some advisers make more mistakes,” says Donat.

“Only the advisers who were registered did better than the consumers. So if you are looking for one, it is useful to see whether it is affiliated with Noab or with the comparable Register of Tax Advisers (RB). These consultants have received a thorough education and keep their knowledge up-to-date. Which is necessary, because tax rules change quite often.”

Van Blijderveen has its own administration office, which also has a quality mark from Register Belastingadviseurs (RN). “I would feel uncomfortable as a taxpayer if I started working with someone who does not have to justify himself, what we call an attic accountant in the corridors. What if it goes wrong? You don’t just become a member, the requirements are high. And it is strictly controlled. We are people too, we also make mistakes, but because we are affiliated with an umbrella organization, we have professional liability.”


If something is not right and the tax authorities come after you with a fine, you are personally liable

Joyce Donat, Consumer Association

3. Who is responsible for the declaration?
Please note: you are responsible at all times, warns Donat. Even if you hire an accountant. “If something is not right and the Tax and Customs Administration comes after you with a fine, you are personally liable.”

“Moreover, the adviser is dependent on the information it receives from you. If the advisor has been really negligent and has made major mistakes, you can hold him liable, but that often means going to court. In any case, always check the completed tax return yourself after the tax advisor. Careless mistakes can be eliminated if possible.”


It’s like a garage where you take your car for repair: you want to know in advance where you stand

Dirk-Jan van Blijderveen, Dutch Order of Administration and Tax Experts (NOAB)

4. How much does an accountant cost?
According to Donat, how much a tax advisor should cost also depends on how difficult it is. “The more complicated, the more time it takes, the higher the costs. Most people pay between 100 and 150 euros. It is advisable to agree on a fixed price in advance instead of an hourly rate. Then you know where you stand and it cannot be disappointing afterwards.”

Van Blijderveen does his work on the basis of hours. “If the application becomes more complex, for example due to a divorce and calculating alimony, our help will also become more expensive. But it’s like a garage where you take your car for repair: you want to know in advance where you stand. We coordinate this in advance with each other to avoid misunderstandings.”

(Free) help with tax returns

They can’t make it more fun, but they can make it easier. That was the slogan of the Tax and Customs Administration for years. On the website they already provide a few tips, such as an explanation of how to file the declaration and what information you need for this. The next step is the Tax Information Line: 0800 – 0543. You can go there free of charge for specific questions about your situation.

But there is more help: in almost all libraries you can go for free help with your tax return in the months of March and April. In addition, there are social organizations that can lend a helping hand. Trade union FNV has started a service for the members, but also, for example elderly association Anbo.

Finally, there are many volunteer organizations that offer help with completing your tax form, such as neighborhood shops, tax shops and forms brigades. Ask your municipality how you can find these in your area.

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