The tarot card of May 5, 2022

This tarot card stands for: a caring, neat attitude, you like to please loved ones. Luxury, home & hearth are sacred. In love there is sensory pleasure: does it feel nice, does it smell nice, does it sound and taste nice? Faithfulness and intimacy make you happy. At work you are creative, diligent and patient.


Self-development is central, so book that course or workshop. You also feel freer than ever at work. You can now easily do chores at home yourself. Hang on that painting and paint that cupboard.


Combine things you enjoy with your ambitions. Collect euros for a good cause, and give your partner and family that cozy home and delicious meal. It’s a great day for fun.


Who are you attracted to? Who knocks on your door regularly? Pay attention. Stay loyal and don’t pass on sensitivities to others. That good neighbor now becomes a close friend.


Where does your life flow abundantly? Are you earning enough? Is everything going well at home? Today, remember all your blessings. Stand barefoot, put your hand on your heart and give thanks for it.


Happiness does not come naturally. Does it often happen to you? Everything has a reason, if only to wake you up. Chances are you’re having intense dreams right now. What do they want to tell you?


You get the best ideas with your hands in the ground. Put your worries about money or belongings aside. Focus on what is going well and spend time with your loved ones. Criticism? Bring it constructive.


Enjoy the finer things in life today. Open a bottle of champagne, treat yourself to luxurious snacks and then make up together: what is there to celebrate? It can also be something small.


Your life is your message to the world. Make it an inspiring show by throwing a party for intimates. blow the game truth or dare new life. You start!


Nature calls. What is your answer? Swimming in the sea or in that lake, with your bare feet on the grass, and then on a rug with a bottle of goodies. Have a nice day.


Chances are you’ll score something you’ve wanted for a long time, and for next to nothing! Do you also see the value of that one in your life? Can you imagine your life without him/her? Tell it.


Messing around at home is entrusted to you today, especially if you can make something: build that website, finally plant that vegetable garden? Sow and you reap, and not just applause.


Treat yourself to a warm bath full of fragrant oil, that massage, that set of special tarot cards or… a glass ball. Also give something away: attention, that reading or spiritual explanation. You have a lot to give today.

Astrologer and tarot writer Viola Robbemondt draws one card every day from the Rider-Waite cards and places it in front of all twelve constellations.

May 5, 2022
