The tarot card of March 22, 2022

This tarot card stands for: What is your addiction? Your dark side? What are you tempted to do over and over again? This card represents something different for everyone, it is very personal. In any case, the card points to playing with fire. It’s a warning. Be careful not to burn your fingers!


What are you stuck on? Where are you sabotaging yourself? Check whether certain habits or people still suit you. The hard truth may not be fun today, but better for you in the long run.


Ready meals? Bag of fries? Box of donuts? Wines? Online shopping? Giving in to inner devils is a joy in its time. Reserve them for one day a week, not six.


Do you have a mind of your own, or are you someone’s hand puppet? You know what’s good for you, so go for it. Temptations are there to be avoided. Grab your boat and aim for the sunny south.


Look very carefully: what suits you, and what doesn’t? What is healthy and what is unhealthy? You see it crystal clear, but can you resist? Distract yourself and seek company from that sociable.


The Stones sing it: are you “stuck between a rock and a hard place”? Look around you better. Buy a sunflower and let it remind you that good always wins in the end.


Courage means feeling fear and yet following your heart. Stuck in the same trap again? Climb out and start over. Spend time on yourself, doing something that will make your inner sun shine.


Do you dare to pick up the hatchet, close your eyes and cut through that knot? Decisions weigh heavily. Do not choose left or right, not black or white but in the color of your heart.


What’s stopping you from doing what you want to do? Money? Possessions? True freedom comes from within. Find that feeling today by thinking about all that life gives you for free.


Is someone trying to glue you with sweet talk? Don’t fall for it! You see through everything that is not acceptable. Don’t counter-attack, be like Switzerland. You look good neutral.


Don’t do anything against your better judgement. Let comfort slip away from you. You know better than anyone that the easy route is often the dead-end route. You conquer that steep path today too.


Everything you push or pull against, gives resistance nutrition. Let yourself go with the flow. If you have the choice, choose (mental) health instead of money.


Does the snake of desire bite your behind? Distract yourself with everything that makes life beautiful. Read poems. Find someone who warms your heart. Buy that bunch of flowers. Stay on the right track.

Astrologer and tarot writer Viola Robbemondt draws one card each day from the Rider Waite cards and places it in front of all twelve zodiac signs.

March 22, 2022
