The tarot card of April 12, 2022

This tarot card stands for: Cups Ten is a blessed card because it heralds a day of harmony and love. Everything in the family runs smoothly or a new love rings the bell. And if it stays quiet at your door, do something yourself!


Today is a carefree day. Whether it’s your birthday or not (yet), it’s a wonderful day to celebrate life with the people you love. It really is a pink day with a beautiful double rainbow.


Harmony and family are everything to you, but today you are extra sentimental about that. You feel rich and blessed with so many healthy loved ones around you. Be open to new friends and colleagues.


All quarrels, conflicts and bickering are behind you. Today you feel seen and appreciated. How sweet that people around you also express their appreciation out loud to you. All is peace and tranquility for you.


On the home front, everything is cake and egg. Even the children behave in an exemplary manner. You may be scratching your head today: how can my life suddenly look so happy and loving? Enjoy it.


You feel supported and seen in your community. That could be at work or at the tennis club. Your colorful and warm personality takes center stage today and you are the main attraction for others. Applause!


Today, a friendship can suddenly present itself, which will last a lifetime. Sometimes you have an inexplicable click with someone that goes beyond all understanding. Please don’t analyze it broken.


It is a harmonious day and it is therefore not surprising that new, important contacts suddenly arise in the business field. You really don’t always have to work hard for your happiness.


You know from your heart that everyone is very happy with you, because you are the one in the family who always takes care of everything. Sometimes you feel like no one sees all your extra effort, but today you are being put in the spotlight.


The stars are in your favor today, because luck hangs on your ass. How wonderful that all emotional connections are in full bloom. Don’t try to keep anything cramped. This is a time of abundance.


The whole house looks pristine. The first flowers are in bloom and the windows have been cleaned. You can also see from the outside that someone lives here who has everything in order. Happiness is a simple story.


From the outside, your life looks like the perfect picture, but there’s a pebble in your shoe? What are you so worried about? Instead of worrying like that, you can also embrace what is now. Tomorrow is far away.


On a deeper level, this card represents charity. It touches your heart even more today that there is so much injustice and unrest. Make an active contribution, financially or with help. Contribute, love.

Astro-fanatic and tarot teacher Mabel van den Dungen draws one card every day from the Rider-Waite cards for all twelve constellations.

Apr 12, 2022
