The Taivaan tulet series is still remembered: This is what it looked like on the set of the series

Beloved, you will come to Heaven charmed Finns in the years 2007–2014. The audience was able to follow the life of a Kemijärvi resident for a total of four production seasons.

A pulp mill strike, smuggled booze, cheerleaders and the laid-back northern attitude to work. The popular series Taivaan tulet made Kemijärvi familiar to the general public, in the milieu of which both the four seasons and complicated human relationships came into their own. But what’s up with the main stars of the series now and what did it really look like behind the scenes of filming?

Ria Kataja’s character, Rauni Väänänen, is one of the central characters during the series’ four production seasons. This is how Kataja posed for the photographer in 2008 during the filming of the series.

Ria Kataja is remembered as the senior constable in the Taivaat tulet series. PDO

Kataja, who has had a long career as an actress, will now be seen in Marja Pyykö’s new comedy Skimbagirls.

In addition to acting, Kataja qualified as a sauna therapist in 2017. One of the most common reasons for seeking treatment is stress, Kataja recently told Iltalehti in an interview.

Ria Kataja participated in the press conference of the film Skimbagirls at the beginning of February. ATTE KAJOVA

Sari Havas played the mayor of Kemijärvi, Sinikka Ström, in the favorite series. Sinikka became friends with Raun, and fans of the series got to watch a stormy friendship between the two for four production seasons.

Sari Havas in 2007. The same year also saw the first season of the Taivaan tulet series. Jarno Juuti

After the Taivaan tulet series, Havas has been busy with acting. This spring, the Stella Polaris improvisation theater’s performances and writings fill the calendar. Havas also conducts coaching and training that focuses on interaction.

Havas and Risto Saikko told their latest news Knock– at the film’s invited guest evening in February. The couple plans to take a stealth departure in the spring.

– We are going to visit France to see if spring will come. I can’t stand it when it’s been so terribly dark, says Havas.

Sari Havas and Risto Saikko visited the restaurant Storyville’s 30th anniversary in January. Matti Matikainen

One of the central characters of the favorite series was the doctor Erkki Viherkoski. Viherkoski’s boots were filled by an actor Juha Veijonen.

As the series progresses, a spark develops between Raun and Erki. Vesa Särkelä, Yle Archives

Veijonen and long-term partner Maria Hämäläinen told Iltalehti in an interview in 2021 that the corona pandemic changed the couple’s everyday life.

– Before the corona, there was no need to worry, when the gig was enough. Then suddenly there was a sharp cut. Now I am optimistic and in a good mood, Veijonen reflected on his financial situation.

After the corona situation eased, there has also been demand on the work front. Veijonen’s latest work as an actor premiered last spring Another man -movie.

Actor Juha Veijonen posed for the photographer in his backyard in Espoo. Arttu Laitala

An actor was seen as Raun’s (Kataja) partner Vesa Kietäväinen protagonist Aimo.

Together, the working couple resolved the most diverse small town disputes. Vesa Särkelä, Yle Archives

Beloved actor Risto Salmi remembered as a retired police chief from the series Taivaan tulet. Salmi died in April 2016 from a heart attack after surgery. Director-writer Kari Väänänen fondly remembered Salme and his acting work.

– Ripa was a very distinctive and inimitable actress. Ripa worked in Ripa’s style. You can’t imitate him, he worked so hard through his own personality.

Risto Salmi at the press conference of the Taivaan tulet series. Photo from 2007. PDO

Salmi, respected in acting circles, was happy to amuse the members of the film crew.

– He was one of the grand old men of Finnish actors. Everyone appreciated Ripa very much, Väänänen told Iltalehte.

Even though Salme’s character left the show after two production seasons, the actor still wanted to visit Kemijärvi, because he wanted to be part of the spirit of the series until the end.

Kari and Terhi Väänänen in Kemijärvi in ​​2008. PDO

The screenwriter himself also acted in the series, and Väänänen is remembered for the role of the Kemijärvi police chief, Kauko Junni.

This is what Kari Väänänen looks like these days. ATTE KAJOVA

A peek behind the scenes

And what was it like behind the scenes of your favorite series? The program was filmed in its entirety in Kemijärvi between 2007 and 2014.

Pekka Heikkinen, Erkki Hetta, Tommi Eronen and Ria Kataja on the set of the TV series Taivaan tulet in 2008. PDO

Life in Kemijärvi was quite eventful. PDO

A group of four, i.e. Actors Ilkka Heiskanen, Tommi Eronen, Erkki Hetta and Pekka Heikkinen (front). PDO

The favorite series was filmed at a hotel in Kemijärvi, among others. PDO

Taivaan tuletet has also continued its life in the theater world, when the Kemijärvi life story familiar from the TV series was last seen on Kanavateatteri’s stage in the summer of 2022.

Taivaan tuletet also entertained the theater audience at Tampere’s Pyynik in the summer of 2016. The police were played by Esa Latva-Äijö and Lotta Huitti. Juha Veli Jokinen
