The T-Usual and the T-Jove of Barcelona transport maintain their discount until the end of the year

The Metropolità Transport Authority (ATM) of Barcelona has approved the continuation of the 50% discounts in subsidized transport tickets to date in the Barcelona area.

As a result of a new discount from the Government of Spain, the T-usualthe T-young, the titles of Large and Single Parent Family (General and Special), the T-usual for unemployed people and the special ‘packs’ for the regions of Berguedà and Ripolles keep their current discounts until end of December of this 2023.

In addition, the free Rodalies de Catalunya recurring season ticketwhich was also ratified by the State administrations.

These are the available prices that are maintained with the discounts:

  • The T-young offers 6 zones at the price of one for three months: €40.

  • The T-usual offers unlimited trips for 30 days: from €20 (1 zone) to 56.90 (6 zones). More discounts for FN/FM.

  • The T-verda: free.

  • The T-16: free.

State Bonus

As a result of the Royal Decree Law approved in the Minister councilthe State aid of 30% in the same titles, with a 6-month extension. Combined with the discount additional 20% that the ATM agreed on December 19, public transport fares will remain with the same discounts this second semester of 2023.

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The temporary bonuses continue to be applied to the titles with the most recurrence and on base prices that have remained frozen since 2020. Discounts that do not apply in the T-casual, since the previous January 15 it was approved not to continue with your bonus.

The offer of Barcelona titles will continue to be the same as during 2022 and, in the case of the T-verda and the T-16, the expiration date of each title will be maintained.
