The swimming club banned the girls in bikinis in Sweden

The parents interviewed knock down the decision.

In competitions, only one-piece swimwear is allowed. AOP

Aftonbladet reported on Wednesday that the Swedish Swimming Association has banned girls from wearing two-piece swimwear, so-called bikinis, for training.

People close to the swimming club tell the magazine about it. The decision is outrageous because they say the use of bikinis is not banned in any other club.

The parents of the girl swimmers interviewed are indignant. The rationale for the swimming club sounds absurd.

– Several reasons have been given. Among other things, the fact that the two-piece outfit looks unprofessional. In addition, it is said that girls wearing bikinis could become disrespectful and boys could not concentrate on their workouts.

According to a third source, some of the swimmers’ parents had also supported a ban on bikinis.

– It was justified by the fact that the top can spill down when jumping into the pool. Can’t the boys’ pants then? the interviewee was amazed.

In competitions, only one-piece swimwear is allowed. However, the exercises are a different matter, the interviewees say.

An Aftonbladet editor writes that women and girls swimwear usually wear bikinis when training outdoors and with lighter strain. An example is the world star Sarah Sjöström.

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– It is incomprehensible to want to make such decisions on behalf of swimmers. The decisions only affect girls, but not boys, one commented.

Executives from other swim clubs interviewed by Aftonbladet said they have not banned the use of a two-piece swimsuit.
