The Swarm on Rai 2: plot and previews of the second episode

Dfter the first episode last Wednesday, The Swarm – The fifth day come back this evening at 9.20pm on Rai 2. The story is that of a world where all marine creatures take revenge for man’s abuses after years of environmental violence. Super production of the German TV ZDF, Swarm And one of the most expensive television products ever filmed in Europe.

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The Swarm – The fifth daypreviews of the second episode

After the strange phenomena that occurred in Peru and on the Atlantic coast of France, now it is Venice that has to face an unprecedented event. That is to say a myriad of jellyfish which emerge from the lagoon and invade the canals. Meanwhile, biologist Cécile Roche (Cécile de France) discovers that a mutated bacterium is the cause of the deaths growing very rapidly on the French coast.

On Vancouver Island, the whale researcher Leon Anawak (Joshua Odjick) instead discovers new mutations in progress. Like the one it generated an extremely large, powerful and invasive species of mussel to the point of blocking a merchant ship. Leon also monitors carefully the story of the beached orcabecause natural death is not a plausible explanation.

At the same time, the young researcher Charlie (Leonie Benesch) heads to Kiel to find out what happened to her friend Jess (Andrea Guo) after discovering that Juno, the research ship where they both worked, has been sunk. Together with professor Katharina Lehmann (Barbara Sukowa) and doctoral student Rahim Amir (Eidin Jalali), Charlie watches images of Juno’s destruction. And he discovers something sensational.

The locations in Italy

Filmed in various Italian locations, mostly seasidethe series had its epicenter of filming there Puglia. A forced choice due to the restrictions related to the pandemic period (filming dates back to 2021) and that they had prevented the use of some exotic locations originally planned.

A scene from “The Swarm – The fifth day”. (ZDF)

As, the city of Trani has transformed into a small French town with its port, the sandy coast of Otranto became Norway and the lighthouse of Punta Palascia, located on the Adriatic coast, reproduced the scenery of the Shetlands Islands, located off the coast of Scotland. In agreement with the superintendency, the production also re-arranged a dirt road that leads to the old lighthouse, symbol of the easternmost point of Italy.

Vancouver, on the other hand, was “rebuilt” in Venetospecifically in Rovigo and its surroundings, while the territory of Lazio was chosen to reproduce the scenarios of Peru. In cities such as Rome, Ostia, Civitavecchia and near the Flavia tower of Ladispoli. A military facility built in the Middle Ages and built on a pre-existing structure from the Roman era.

Also in the cast is our Rosabell Laurenti Sellers

Beyond a parterre of highly respected European actors – from Cécile De France to the veteran Barbara Sukowa –, in the cast of the series also stands out a face of our home. That of Rosabell Laurenti Sellers, daughter of the Italian director Fabrizio Laurenti and the American actress Mary Sellers.

Born in Santa Monica in 1996, the actress made her theater debut on Broadway at the age of seven, then with the family returns to Italy and takes part in numerous fiction. As General medicine And Coco Chanel. His debut on the big screen was in 2009 with Former by Fausto Brizziwhich was followed by other important films such as good morning Dad by Edoardo Leo e Wonderful Boccaccio of the Taviani brothers.

After years of honest apprenticeship, in 2015 the great international opportunity arrives thanks to the fifth season of Game of thrones. Dove Rosabell, the only Italian in the cast, plays Tyene Sandthe third of Prince Oberyn Martell’s “bastard” daughters.

After the role of UNESCO data analyst Alicia Delaware in The Swarm – The fifth dayRosabell will return to the cinema this year with the romantic film What About Love. Where he acts alongside Sharon Stone and Andy Garcia.

