The Supreme Court confirms that the PP benefited from the activities of the Gürtel in Boadilla del Monte


11/22/2023 at 16:52


The magistrates maintain the 36-year prison sentence in Gürtel for the former mayor of Boadilla del Monte Arturo González Panero

He Supreme Court has confirmed that The Popular Party benefited from the criminal activities that the Gürtel plot headed by Francisco Correa deployed in the municipality of Boadilla del Monte (Madrid). And that is why this political party must once again be considered a lucrative participant in the benefits of the corrupt network and is obliged, in this case, to pay 204,198 euros.

Assumption, the Supreme Court maintains the sentence of 36 years in prison for the former mayor of Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), Arturo González Panero, alias The Albondiguilla, for him Gürtel case.

In a 293-page ruling, the magistrates agree to maintain the decision in relation to the former councilor that the National Court adopted on the activities carried out by the ringleader of the plot, Francisco Correa, in the Madrid municipality. Thus, They refuse to apply, as González Panero’s lawyer had claimed, the mitigating circumstance of confessionrepair of damage and undue delays.

The ruling confirms 21 of the 23 convictions of the National audiencesince it has acquitted the businessmen Gonzalo Naranjo Villalonga and Rodolfo Ruiz Benigno, as well as the company Robeco Inversiones, SL as a legal entity.
