The sun sets so beautifully behind the cathedral

In the future, exclusive guided tours will also take visitors to the roof of the Berlin Cathedral

In the future, exclusive guided tours will also take visitors to the roof of the Berlin Cathedral Photo: Michael Schetelich

By Mareike Sophie Drünkler

A glass of sparkling wine in your hand, stories about the Berlin Cathedral in your ears and the setting sun over the roofs of the capital in front of your eyes … That’s what the exclusive tours that the Berlin Cathedral is now offering promise.

“The view is intoxicating – especially in connection with the sounds of the city and the fresh wind in your face,” says Michael Schetelich from the Berlin Cathedral.

He thought about the concept for the new tours. He is particularly pleased about the many anecdotes that the experienced cathedral guides share with the visitors.

The exclusive tour costs 25 euros per person. So far, two guided tours are planned: on August 13 and 25 from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. “A field test. We hope to be able to offer the tours throughout the summer in the future,” says Schetelich.


Berlin Cathedral
