The sun of the future: songs from the film, Naomi, final actors who they are

Lto soundtrack of The sun of the future contains Italian songs by the best authors, from Franco Battiato to Fabrizio De Andrè. It’s nothing new. Who loves Nanni Moretti he knows that music is not only in the background, but is often the protagonist of scenes with songs, individual dances, group choreography. And it happens in this film too.

The sun of the future: the plot and the dream of the musical

The sun of the future is the story of a seventy-year-old director, Giovanni (Nanni Moretti) who returns to the set to shoot a film about the days of the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956. At the same time his life goes by, with his wife (Margherita Buy) who is about to leave him and a new cinema in which he doesn’t recognize himself.

John has a dream: «I’d like to make a film about a couple’s fifty years of life, with lots of beautiful songs. The two know each other, they love each other, they argue, they have children… Time passes… and so many Italian songs…».

Songs from the movie, from Are just words from Naomi to Battiato

It starts with Are just wordsNoemi’s Sanremo success written by Fabrizio Moro. Giovanni/Nanni intones it, staring straight into the camera then involve the troupe in a choral moment, with technicians and actors who sing and stop at the shout of “Action!”.

Among other songs there is I want to see you dance by Franco Battiato, an author that the Roman director also mentioned in Red dove (And I’ll come looking for you). On his notes dance in an exciting scene all the cast and crew. A liberating dance, in which everyone spins “like whirling dervishes on their spines”.

The whole film crew dances to the tune of “I want to see you dance”. (01 Distribution)

At some point it comes out Far far by Luigi Tenco: forms the backdrop for one of the opera scenes from the musical, such as The song of lost love Of Fabrizio De Andrè. It is the background of a quarrel between the young lovers, to whom the director, in the role of Giovanni, gives advice. Finally, there is also a French song: Et si tu n’existai pas (written by Pierre Delanoe, Claude Lemesle and composed among others by Toto Cutugno).

Nanni Moretti: «Making a TV series?  Why not

But whoever wonders why these titles were chosen will have no answer. «PThe more time passes the less I am able to explain my artistic choices. Not on a whim, but because I don’t really know,” Moretti said. For example the songs: 40 years ago I explained well why Gino Paoli was in my films or the songs of Adamo, Franco Battiato, Renato Zero. I don’t know today.”

The sun of the future: the final parade with the actors of his films

However, he explains the final scene, that parade which, together with the protagonists of the film, sees Nanni Moretti’s old actors parading. «The last twenty shots were not foreseen in the script. The film called me and told me it wanted to end differently,” explained the director.

«We had to finish with the parade at the Imperial Forums, with Barbara and Silvio on elephants and the characters of my daughter, the Polish ambassador and the French manufacturer of 1950s clothes. Then, while shooting other scenes, it occurred to me to bring back all the other characters in the film, from the screenwriters to the guys and Palmiro Togliatti and I shot the rest on the last day of shooting, June 21st. Then, in the editing room, I said to myself: «Why just bring back the characters from my last film? Let’s also call those of the others!».

Nanni Moretti. (01 Distribution)

And here they are with red flags and the effigy of Trotsky, they parade in alphabetical order: Anna Bonhelp (The Caiman), Dario Cantarellithe principal of the high school of White as well as crazy actor of Habemus Papama close friend of Moretti in life. Renato Carpenters protagonist of the episode of the island of Dear Diary. Elio De Capitanidirector of the Teatro Elfo Puccini, Silvio Berlusconi in Caiman.

There is Giulia Lazzarini, a splendid protagonist in My mother, Claudio Morganti and Alfonso Santagata (pair of actors seen in Red dove), Gigio Mora (Gigio Cimino in Sweet dreams). Lina Sastri (Ecce Bombo) Fabio Traversa (Moretti’s former high school friend, seen in Ecce Bombo), Alba Rohrwacher (Three floors), Jasmin Trinca (Son’s room), Mariella Valentini (the journalist whom Nanni/Apicella scolds in Red dove: “those who speak badly think badly”). There is as well Silvia Nono (Nanni Moretti’s ex-wife, plays herself in the film April).

Laura Morante, the great absentee

The actress of White And Son’s roomwinner of the Palme d’Or at Cannes. The reason for the absence is not known. Perhaps to get the explanation we need to go back 22 years, to 2001, when Nanni Moretti triumphed in Cannes precisely with Son’s room, of which she was a wonderful protagonist. But Morante was not invited to the award ceremony. “We have never clarified the reason,” she said in an interview.

