The summer playlist: from ‘Quédate’ to ‘Desspechá’, Spanish reigns

Every summer has its own soundtrack, and this year’s is, without a doubt, in Spanish. The latin rhythms and reggaeton they flood the charts, the clubs and the festivals. The orchestras do not hesitate to include in their repertoires each new song that comes out and becomes a ‘hit’, as is the case with ‘Quédate’, by Bizarrap and Quevedo, and ‘Despecha’, by the famous Rosalia. Precisely these two can be considered the king and queen of music this summer, here and outside of Spain. The two songs sound everywhere and there is no young person who does not know them, dance them and know their lyrics by heart.

The canary Quevedo, only 20 years old, has broken all records with his session – that’s what all the songs that Bizarrap releases are called – with the Argentine ragpicker. The numbers support them: published the first week of July, it already has 312 million views on Spotify and 197 million views on Youtube. A full-fledged world number one, that as soon as it starts to play the track falls off, with everyone jumping and shouting his catchy lyrics.

Only Rosalía managed to interrupt her reign. On Friday, July 29, the Catalan launched her great bet for the summer, after several weeks creating expectation through her social networks. The strategy paid off: straight to number 1 on Spotify. Although now the highest position on the podium is held by Quevedo, people cannot conceive of a party without listening to the Catalan woman telling her ‘motomamis’ – as her fans are popularly known – that “it’s going out tonight” and that they move it ” from side to side”.

At any party you will listen to these two songs several times, but you will also dance to the rhythm of ‘Titi me ask’, by Bad Bunny, or ‘I congratulate you’, by Shakira and Rauw Alejandro. The young Spanish women Ana Mena and Aitana have also placed their latest collaborations among the most listened to of this time. The woman from Malaga with Belinda and the Catalan woman with Ptazeta and Emilia, demonstrating the girl power in current music. Other of the most popular these summer weeks are being ‘La Bachata’, by Manuel Turizo; ‘Provence’, by Karol G; or ‘Givenchy’, by Duki, all of them also in Spanish.

After two years of the pandemic, people waited like rain in May for the return of a summer like the ones before. And that summer could not be conceived without all these songs that bring joy, give life and unite people who sing them in unison every time they play. And there are still a couple of weeks left for another ‘hit’ of the bell like all these have done.

The playlist you can’t miss

‘Stay’, by Bizarrap and Quevedo

The sessions of the Argentine Bizarrap are synonymous with success, but this one has reached another level, and it has been done with Spanish collaboration. The young Canarian Quevedo gives voice to the phrases that everyone shouts this summer in any disco: “Stay, the nights without you hurt”.

‘Titi asked me’, by Bad Bunny

‘A summer without you’ is the title of the latest album by the Puerto Rican Bad Bunny, and indeed there can’t be a summer without Bad Bunny. Several of the songs on the album sound at any party, but the one that hits her the hardest is the one in which Titi asks her if she has many girlfriends.

‘I congratulate you’, by Shakira and Rauw Alejandro

The Colombian, after 30 years of career, continues to create successes. The lyrics may refer to her breakup with Gerard Piqué. Be it so or not, the song began to rise like foam on the charts when the end of the relationship was made public. She accompanies him in his robotic Raw Alejandro dance.

‘You want’, by Aitana, Emilia and Ptazeta

The young Catalan Aitana is synonymous with triumph. Through collaborations, he always manages to be among the most listened to. The last one is ‘You want’, with the also Spanish Ptazeta and the Argentinian Emilia. She also has ‘Mariposas’, with Sangiovanni, among the most listened to on Spotify.

‘Las 12’, by Ana Mena and Belinda

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The Malaga-born Ana Mena published ‘Mezzanotte’ in Italian, and shortly after released the Spanish version, ‘Las 12’, for which she had the Mexican Belinda, her co-star in ‘Welcome to Eden’, and who has become one of the catchiest songs of this summer.

‘Despecha’, by Rosalía

A success that was even before leaving. The Catalan spread part of her song through social networks, creating a great expectation that resulted in number 1 on Spotify the day it was published. In addition, Rosalía has also popularized the dance among her “motomamis”.
