The substitution of licenses due to age stresses the Parliamentary Table

nth recoil of the Parliamentary table on licenses by age, the kind of early retirement that civil servants over 60 years of age with 15 years of service in the Catalan Chamber could avail themselves of. Although the parliamentary body agreed on Tuesday, at its weekly meeting, to include in the statutes of regime and internal government (ERGI) the possibility that employees avail themselves of Incentivized leave of absence and reductions in working hoursthis Thursday the Table has requested that it be withdrawn from the agenda of the Internal Affairs Commission (CAI) the ratification of the agreement that was agreed with the staff council.

Parliamentary sources point out that the president of the Catalan Chamber, Laura Borrassummoned the rest of the members informally on Wednesday and ordered that the pact that the representatives of the Table closed not be put to a vote, Ferran Pedret (PSC) and aurora madaula (Junts), with the staff alleging that, when it was approved at the Table, “it understood that it referred only to those who already charge licenses” and not to a new general regime available to all officials who can sign up before the derogation of the licenses by age. The measure that should have been approved today was validated with the vote in favor of PSC, ERC and Junts, the abstention of Cs and CUP and the vote against of the ‘comuns’, since PPC and Vox did not attend the meeting.


The controversy is served because sources from the Table assure that the new operation was clear at the meeting and that Borràs’s pick up has to do with pressure and external noise. However, sources close to him affirm that “there was a lot of confusion” and that Madaula – the representative of Junts and the president’s right-hand man – was on a trip when the pact was closed “so she did not have all the information on how it had gone the negotiation”. “The president chose to eliminate the licenses, so what cannot happen now is that one system be changed for another. It would not make sense,” she indicates. Other sources reject this version and claim that Borràs was fully aware of what was taking place.

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The proposal foresees that civil servants over 60 years of age -those who have five years left to retire and have been in the institution for 15 years- can collect retirement pension “in accordance with the maximum amount determined” by social security regulations, without any additional reduction, and that the contributions corresponding to the working day are assumed by the Parliament.

What has already been ratified in the CAI is that the future of licenses by age already granted will remain on the negotiating table, because there is still no agreement despite the fact that the ERGI article that regulates them was definitively repealed months ago. The new deadline, after several extensions, is July 11, after the parliamentarians have so decided with the votes in favor of PSC, ERC, Junts, CUP, ‘comuns’, Cs and PP, and the vote in against the extreme right.
