The strength of Willy Monteiro Duarte

Fiorenza Sarzanini (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

willy Monteiro Duarte he was a normal boy. He studied, worked, went out with friends. He died precisely because he tried to protect a friend. It was the night between 5 and 6 September 2020.

In the square of Colleferro, a Lazio town less than 100 kilometers from Rome, he was kicked and punched, thrown to the ground, and then beaten again. “They jumped on his body when he was dead,” witnesses said.

Willy Monteiro Duarte on January 20 he would have turned 24 years old. Mom Lucia, dad Armando and sister Milena remembered him with a short message posted on Facebook: «The thought goes fixed and constant always to you every single day and in every instant. Today was and always will be your day, our angel among the Angels. Happy birthday Willy.”

Their attitude has always been this, out of the way, away from the clamor and verbal clashes. The two brothers Marco and Gabriele Bianchi accused of having organized the punitive expedition and of having raged against Willy were sentenced to life imprisonment. Francesco Belleggia and Mario Pincarelli must instead serve 23 and 21 years in prison respectively.

Everyone, wrote the judges, “had the perception of the concrete risk that through their action Willy could lose his life, but they continued to beat him”. The appeal process begins on March 28.

The defense of the Bianchi brothers aims at a reduction of the sentence. The Bianchi brothers are experts in combat sportstheir judicial history shows that several times they had organized punitive expeditions and above all what their criminal depth is.

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In the motivation of the medal for civil valor awarded by President Sergio Mattarella to Willy Monteiro Duarte among other things it is written: «With exceptional altruistic zeal and extraordinary determination, demonstrating marked sensitivity and attention to the needs of others, he intervened in defense of a friend in difficulty, trying to favor the peaceful solution of a heated discussion. While he was doing his utmost in this meritorious action of high civic value, he was struck by some subjects who arrived who began to repeatedly rage against him with unheard-of violence and they kept beating him even when he fell to the ground unconsciousuntil he tragically lost his life.

All articles by Fiorenza Sarzanini

