The street of the masons in Buenos Aires

Freemasonry was always linked to discretion, hermeticism and reserve. On the other hand, it is the most recognized secret society in the world, and at different times it had a strong impact, both politically and socially, with different results around the planet. The Masonic expression was sustained since the Middle Ages, with few known historical records, and was institutionalized for the first time in 1717 with the meeting of four English lodges, founding the United Grand Lodge of England.

Tradition, rites, ceremonies and lodges were established in different countries, and a liberal and progressive philosophical view was implemented in their meetings and events, which would confront, in the decades to come, the established absolutist regimes of the time. This was the seed of Freemasonry in Argentina, whose principles encouraged the first patriotic independence societies, such as the Independence Lodge and the Lautaro Lodge, who opposed the colonial viceroyalty. The effort and success of the patriots resulted in the founding of the first Grand Lodge native masonic in the mid-19th century.

“The origin of Freemasonry is lost in the darkness of time. We say that it was operational because they had the secret of the construction of churches in Europe. We could place it in the years 1100 and 1200 AD, in the medieval guilds of the Lake Como. Within the union, they had laws and rights that the society of that time denied to the rest, such as mutual aid agreements and salaries,” he highlighted. Nicolas Bregliaspecialist in the history of Freemasonry and president of the Masonic Academy of History, and I add:“In the 18th century, with speculative Freemasonry, philosophers, politicians and soldiers were incorporated to transform civil society, that is, to build the inner temple. In a feudal and rigid regime, Freemasonry began an entire revolutionary process at the level world to have an integrated, secular, progressive and democratic society. This happens in England, the paradigm of the industrial revolution, where a new integrated man was needed, who knows how to read and write. The enlightenment movement begins that struggle, with a revolutionary germ that would culminate in modern democracies.”

Marco's Cafe

However, not all countries were open to these changes, much less to Masonic organizations. Different persecutions of Freemasonry and prejudices against the Freemason, in different regions of the world, imposed on its members a state of discretion and reserve throughout time. Also the hermetic and initiatory idiosyncrasy of the same institution granted certain features of invisibility. But times change. “It is a global phenomenon. An interest in Freemasonry was awakened and that is why we go to universities, we go to the media and they do reports on us.“Breglia explained and added: “Before, if you identified yourself as a Mason you were afraid of being discriminated against, but now you don’t. On the contrary, now they distinguish it because they become aware of the principles and values ​​defended by the Order. “We have broken the demonization of Freemasonry that occurred 40 or 50 years ago.”

Marco Antonio Jewelry

Perhaps, this is the response to an unusual phenomenon that is currently occurring and, in particular, on a Buenos Aires street. At the block location Lieutenant General Juan Domingo Perón at 1200has been, for more than a century, the headquarters of the Argentine Freemasonry. This imposing temple, with its distinctive compass and square mark, was built in 1872 and is the key point of the Argentine Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, the largest Masonic institution in the country which, with its hundreds of lodges, exceeds 10,000 members. But it is not the only space related to the theme that coexists on that block. A very curious and unprecedented event in the world occurs opposite.

Grand Lodge

In front of the temple, there is a business corridor with the same Masonic insignia of the compass and square. A series of establishments from different sectors that are almost next to each other and are distinguished by their made visible thematic linked to the Order. On that street, you can recognize a art space, a jewelry store, a restaurant and even a hostel. A commercial combination that can occur in other corners of the planet, but what is characteristic of these private establishments is that they have Freemasonry as a notable topic. The person responsible for this happening is a single entrepreneur.

Marco Arslanian

Marco Arslanian, A goldsmith by profession, he began at a very young age in the craft of designing jewelry and accessories in different locations in the city center. But his working career expanded when he entered a lodge at the age of 24. “In 2005, when he started me, they found out about my work in goldsmithing and started asking me for things. Under the circumstances, it was very difficult to obtain Masonic accessories, since one even had to travel abroad, to London oa France where they could be bought, I decided to make some arrangements to order, the basics, but then I found that everything had to be done. I specialized in Masonic jewelry, I was more advanced in Freemasonry, so I was aware of what was required,” recalled the creator of Marco Antonio JewelryArslanian’s first venture linked to the theme.

Marco Antonio Jewelry

But public notoriety for Arslanian’s Masonic endeavors came with his second project: Marco’s Cafe. “It was born with an idea to recreate the legendary Café de Marco that existed when a Catalan named arrived. Pedro José Marco in 1801. It was installed in a strategic part of the time, the street Holy Trinity and Saint Charles (current Alsina and Bolívar), that in that current location there is a building built there. They frequented the Café tables, heroes like Mariano Moreno, Belgrano, Monteagudo and Castelli. It was an idea to recreate it because it mixed a little of everything I like: gastronomy and history. In fact, while studying a little of the books, I came across one by the historian Emilio Corbiere. In his book, it is pointed out that these men met and conspired at that time of the May revolution. I kept that going around in my head and the day came and I did it diagonally to the Grand Lodge of Argentine Freemasonry“said the jeweler. Which also expresses an incredible point, the coincidence of the proper name of that historic gastronomic space, recreated in 2012, with the given name of Arslanian.

Marco's Cafe

This gastronomic stronghold has a menu specialized in foods with a strong federal imprint. Delicious locros, portions of smoked meats, lamb empanadas with roquefort, different stews and the notable Malbec pears, are the stars of the menu. The decoration is composed of Masonic aprons, medals, history books, portraits of heroes and an outstanding replica of General José de San Martín’s saber.

“When we came out of the pandemic, a store became vacant next to the Café. I imagined that space, I drew it and I made it. That place was transformed into an art gallery, but a very particular one. This is how it was born VITRIOL“, explained the entrepreneur of Armenian origin, clarifying that the name comes from a Latin phrase attributed to the alchemist Basil Valentinewhich is read as “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectifying Inveniens Occultum Lapidem”that is to say: “Visit the Interiors of the Earth, Rectifying You Will Find the Hidden Stone”.


“The cultural space was created to disseminate the symbolic capital of contemporary artists from all over the country. It consists of a large rectangular room available for those who investigate the infinite territory of symbols, ritual, myth, alchemy, comparative religions and spiritual elevation. During the year, various activities will be scheduled such as conferences, talks, discussions, book presentations and courses open to the community,” explained the gallery curator, Julio Sánchez Baroni. Artists like the photographer Leandro Allochis until the deceased Alfredo Portillosnicknamed “the shaman of Argentine art” and his son Nicholas They were present with their creations. “Oscar Bony and Victor Grippo, are senior Argentine artists who work on the theme and we are interested in bringing. There is a new artist, Diego Cienfuegoswhich has not yet been exhibited anywhere and works on the theme of the guardians and is planning to have its first exhibition for us,” said the artistic person in charge of the space.


Probably, of Arslanian’s undertakings, the last one so far is the most innovative and unthinkable in relation to Freemasonry.. Le Templier (denomination of The Templarin French) is a hostel with a visible Masonic theme that is located on the other side of El Café de Marco. Unlike the other projects, this Hostel for tourists, Masons and non-Masonsexpresses the relationship of Freemasonry with the legendary Order of medieval knights. On the walls of some rooms in the complex, located on the first floor, you can see various paintings of the famous Templar warriors.

Le Templier

“Before there was a hostel in the same place, but the owners did not do well with the management of the site. I put it on my shoulder and we restored it, because it was a little abandoned. We thought of a name and put Le Templier because it is an austere place with boutique-style rooms. I related it to the order of knights because when they took such long routes in the Middle Ages they needed a comfortable place to rest. A hospitable, clean place with a certain austerity,” explained the enterprising Mason. The hostel located in Tte. Gral. Juan D. Perón at 1269, has group and private rooms with shared bathroom and large balconies that face diagonally to the Grand Lodge.

Regarding the big question of why this came to pass and, above all, in the same block, the response of Marco Antonio Arslanian It is much simpler than you might expect. “These ventures were taking place, I also have a team of people who accompany me. I don’t do this for economic reasons, it gives me pleasure and you also know where it comes from, from nothing to achieving so much. And because everything is on the same block, it’s simple, I would go crazy if I had each business on different sides. When I entered Freemasonry, there was talk of going out into society because we were locked in four walls,” confessed the owner of Marco’s Cafe.

Marco Arslanian

The future of the masonic stable is still expanding, among the private projects that Arslanian has on Perón Street are a specialized bookstore, a tailor and a shoe store, the latter in honor of his father. These next initiatives from your ideal must have the symbol of the compass and the square at the entrance. In Englandit is known that there are numerous private premises dedicated to the Order, but the Argentine case is, for the moment, unique as they are all on the same path, in front of the Grand Lodge of Argentine Freemasonry and run by a single entrepreneur.

This native phenomenon breaks the mold of discretion and reserve that the brotherhood maintained over the years and with which it is recognized in the world. The final conclusion could be that of the specialist in Masonic history, the lawyer Nicolas Breglia. The former Grand Master, a specialist in labor law, concluded: “Argentine Freemasonry is different, we are a popular Freemasonry. It is not made up of the aristocracy or anything like that, it is made up of the middle class, workers and businessmen. This, in short, represents upward social mobility.”

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