The strange prediction that Nostradamus wrote about the city of Madrid

07/24/2023 at 10:59


The French doctor mentioned Madrid in his predictions

There is no consensus on its interpretation.

Nostradamus is a well-known French intellectual famous for his predictions for the future within his ‘centuries’ that have astonished the entire world for their reliability. It must be taken into account that They date from the 16th century, so they also have great artistic value.

Among the most notorious hits are the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York, the world wars, the Napoleonic wars or the death of Elizabeth II.

A curiosity that not everyone knows, is that Nostradamus spoke on several occasions about Spain. Among his favorite places in the country is Madrid, the city he spoke of in a strange prophecy.

Century VII – Quartet XXVI

“Crops and galleys around seven ships, a deadly war will be waged, the head of Madrid will be at the seams, Two escaped, and five taken ashore.”


Experts disagree on the meaning of this prediction. The time frame in which it occurs corresponds to the following centurywhich will arrive in 77 years, although the exact date is almost impossible to know.

It is obvious that the naval battle you describe will not take place in Madrid but its affectation will bring down whoever is in charge in the capital. It could be the mayor, president of the community, president of the government or even the king, prominent figures in Spanish politics.

Yes indeedthere is a reference to two fugitives and five taken ashore who will be the ones to condemn the fate of that leader. As we said, there is no consensus on what this prediction could mean, but what is clear is that Nostradamus predicted an important event in the Spanish capital.
