The storm “Ylenia” raged in Berlin

After the storm “Ylenia” finally subsided on Friday morning, the next hurricane was already threatening. “Zeynep” is said to rage over the capital with gusts of up to 120 km/h.

By Dirk Böttger, Maren Wittge and Johannes Malinowski

Because “Ylenia” has already caused serious damage to the Spandau cemeteries, they will remain closed until further notice. The cemeteries in Steglitz-Zehlendorf are also closed.

► For safety reasons, the zoo and animal park in Berlin are also closed on Saturday. When the weather calms down, they will reopen on Sunday. The zoo in Cottbus was also closed.

► The parks and palaces in Potsdam, Berlin and Brandenburg were also closed for security reasons.

Hurricane “Ylenia” had already raged through Berlin and Brandenburg at 120 km/h on Thursday. Rail traffic came to a partial standstill and a number of trees fell.

The fire brigade was in a state of emergency in the capital all day and went on 1366 weather-related missions.

In Lankwitz, two roofs of residential buildings were covered. (Photo: spreepicture)

► At the Almstadtstrasse in Mitte parts of the facade, weighing several tons, fell off a building and crushed a parked car. Luckily, no one got hurt.

► Am Sassolungo Trail (Lankwitz) “Ylenia” had covered the roofs of two apartment buildings. In a parking lot, several vehicles were damaged by massive roofing felt and falling roof parts.

Heavy roofing felt also buried vehicles (photo: spreepicture)
Heavy roofing felt also buried vehicles (photo: spreepicture)

► That Droste-Hülshoff-Gymnasium in Zehlendorf suspended classes yesterday due to storm damage to the building.

► In the Sachsenhausen concentration camp memorial in Oranienburg, the hurricane partially collapsed the historic camp wall. About 200 meters in length, parts of the 2.8 meter high eastern wall that surrounded the Sachsenhausen concentration camp were affected.

The originally preserved camp wall from 1937 has collapsed over a length of around 200 meters (Photo: -/dpa)
The originally preserved camp wall from 1937 has collapsed over a length of around 200 meters (Photo: -/dpa)

► On the roof of the Reichstag the flags were severely damaged by the storm. The Bundestag administration then decided to lower the flags on the four towers over the weekend. New ones are to be hoisted on Monday.
