the storm leaves rain in Barcelona at levels of three months ago

The stormy celia is getting closer and this weekend there will be a preview weather episode: heavy rain and strong wavesespecially in the north-east of Catalonia.

Civil Protection has activated this Saturday the phase of Inuncat plan alert due to strong waves, which can exceed 4 meters in height in some sections of the coast. He too Meteorological Service of Catalonia (Meteocat) has issued a notice of Hazardous Weather Situation by state of the sea and heavy rain.

quarterly record

Catalonia registers levels of rain that have not occurred for three months, according to data collected by Meteocat. This Saturday 61.3 liters per square meter have been accumulated in The Vendrell (Baix Penedès) and 55.6 liters per square meter in Constanti (Tarragones). At some points of Alt Emporda 63.71 liters per square meter have been collected.

The weather front has left snowfall of more than 40 centimeters in the Western Pyrenees, where the snow level is 1,200 meters high.

The weather episode will have its peak between Saturday afternoon and the sunday to noonwith abundant and general rains, which may exceed 100 liters of rain accumulated in the Empordà region and in the north-east of Catalonia throughout the weekend.

The affected counties with a 1 degree of danger -out of six- will be the Baix Emporda, the Alt Empordathe Conca de Barberathe Tarragona, Baix Camp, Priorat, Baix Penedes and High Campwith an intensity greater than 20 millimeters in 30 minutes.

danger at sea

This Saturday there was waves of more than two meters in the Empordà, where the danger will be greater than the other coastal areas. But on the same day, at night and at noon on Sunday, the sea will have its worst episode of the weekend, with waves of up to 3 meters high on the coast of Barcelona and in the Empordà may exceed 4 meters.

Related news

Between Sunday afternoon and Monday, the Celia storm is expected to appear, a harder and more extensive storm that would affect the Catalan coast more strongly and over a longer period of time. Celia’s arrival forecast is between Tuesday and Thursday.
