The Stock Market within everyone’s reach: The history of Federal Bursátil

In 2003, after having been an analyst, trader and stockbroker since 1960 and having gone through several democratic and non-democratic governments, Andrés Ricardo Maied together with his son, Adrián, decided to found Federal Stock Market as a company of the Stock Market of Santa Fe. “For this, we bought a share, which at that time was mandatory, and we created this company, which operated both in the Santa Fe Stock Market and in the Buenos Aires Stock Market through the Santa Fe Stock Market” recalls Andrés Maied, head of Federal Bursátil SA, registered with the National Securities Commission (CNV) under registration number 197, and in the Argentine Stock Market (MAV) under number 431.

– How did you come to operate directly in Buenos Aires?

Over time, the Santa Fe Stock Market was liquidated due to temporary problems, but we continued to operate through the Rosario Stock Market for three or four years until Buenos Aires, through Byma, offered us a membership so that we could be operators. Thus, once we analyzed the issue, we decided and we have been operators directly in Buenos Aires and we continue to be so up to now. Enlarging ourselves, adding new projects to be able to offer the client the best service.

– Who can agree to consult a Stockbroker?

An individual, a legal company, whether large or small, can work with a stockbroker. We, in particular, have always thought about teaching people, because we have had and still have many new clients who knew nothing about the stock market, but I have instilled in my people that you always have to teach small savers, so that go learning. It cannot be that in Argentina less than half the population knows what a listing or a stock is, while in other countries, such as the US, 40 or 50% of the population operates in the Bag. In other words, we have to reach a larger number of people who learn what it is about.

– And how do you explain to someone who has no idea what the Stock Market is?

It is very simple, companies made by shares are listed on it. When the investor buys a share, he is buying a little bit of that company. And he is going to be lucky in the profits or losses of that society that he has chosen.

– And what are the Negotiable Obligations of which so much is talked about?

They are the companies that do not want to issue shares in order not to increase the capital. Therefore, they release a negotiable obligation, which are generally in dollars and pay interest, generally very interesting, in dollars. There are other negotiable obligations that are in pesos with an interest rate that at the moment, due to the inflation that we have in the country, are not appealing to an investor.

– And the Cedears?

The cedears are equivalent to shares of companies listed in the US and that, at the same time, are listed as cedears in Argentina, they can be bought and sold both in pesos and in dollars.

– What other investment alternatives exist?

We also have a very wide range of bonds: from the state, from the treasury, issued in dollars and/or pesos. With interest in your currency or adjusted for inflation.

– How do you analyze the client’s profile to find out which investment is the best fit?

In order to know what their degree of investment is, it is precisely that we carry out a test on the client, which on the other hand is mandatory to do. Many clients like speculation and do not want to have anything to do with investing and others, on the other hand, really want to be investors. This test, consequently, helps us to know which way he leans and how it is best to advise him. On the other hand, we do not speculate with the big investor. At Federal Bursátil we serve everyone equally, whether they are small, medium or large investors.

– What are the minimum requirements to make an investment?

There is no minimum dollar requirement, but logically, they must be able to justify where the money comes from. For example, the vast majority of our clients are medium- and long-term investors with savings from their work and who diversify a large part of their savings in bonds and, many times, ask for a stock that they buy and keep for a while. There are people who keep the shares indefinitely and collect the dividends.

– What are the dividends you are referring to?

Each company, when it closes its fiscal year, renders an account to its shareholders in a meeting that determines if the profit will be a dividend in pesos, in dollars or in shares. Thus, investors who have bought those shares have the right to collect dividends.

– What do you think would be good advice to give to an Argentine investor who is just starting out?

We always emphasize with clients that, since we are in Argentina and often there are changes in the economy and politics, they diversify their investments, not just one.

– Are there many ways to diversify?

Yes, and logically as the founder of Federal Bursátil 20 years ago and having worked through a lot of other companies, both our own and associated with other stockbrokers, I would suggest that anyone who wants to invest contact us because of our track record, our suitability and because Our people are trained to really advise them, according to the profile of each client. We do not make a distinction in the attention and professionalism of whether it is a client with a small or large investment. We treat everyone equally.

25 de Mayo 306, 3rd floor

WhatsApp: 11 3622 4044

Social Networks: @federalbursatil

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