“The stew is slow” this is how this single from First Dates explains how relationships are born

02/01/2023 at 10:26


Tomás and Mercedes have had an appointment in First Dates that has gone wonderfully

The two single old men have been in tune and have ended up liking each other very much.

Mercedes has not felt much when she has seen Tomás appear at the door of the First Dates restaurant. The only thing she has seen in him was that he was too old for her. However, Tomás was a charming man and they both decided to sit down for dinner, to see what happened to him. Well, the evening couldn’t have gone better for both of them. There the two have discovered that they were very compatible people, with similar tastes and with a great desire to live.

Tomás was a bachelor who, as soon as he saw Mercedes, fell in love with her. Both have begun to talk about the most diverse topics and that love at first sight has not stopped growing in him. When they have talked about relationships she was clear that “cooking is slow”.

When they reached the final decision, the two were very clear that they wanted to repeat outside the restaurant. Mercedes has let him be the one to answer first and talk about the wonders of the date. That’s how it has been and well, Tomás has been reciprocated by Mercedes that I wanted to repeat as soon as possible.
