The state gives the most

Net and gross: tens of thousands of employees in Germany receive corona bonuses. Sometimes it’s a few hundred euros, sometimes four-digit sums without deducting taxes or duties, according to a survey by the German Press Agency. The 1.1 million employees in the federal states in collective bargaining recently did best on this point. You will receive 1300 euros as a corona bonus by March at the latest. Around 170,000 employees of the state-owned Deutsche Bahn were promised 1,000 to 1,100 euros in the fall.

The bonuses for 120,000 employees at Volkswagen and at the energy companies Eon and RWE with a total of around 55,000 employees are also in the four-digit range. The premiums are often a few hundred euros.

“These are measures to give our employees a clear message: We not only say thank you for their tireless commitment in this difficult, exceptional situation, but we also reward their commitment in a financially tangible way,” said a spokesman for the Rewe Group , to which the discounter Penny belongs. According to its own statements, the group paid out corona bonuses in the hundreds of millions in Germany.

It is not possible to determine how many companies do not transfer a corona premium, either from the employer or from the trade union side. One thing is certain: Anyone who does not receive a corona bonus by the end of March can no longer hope for the tax and duty-free special payment. Because the federal government had only made this possible temporarily. In the two years since March 2020, a total of 1500 euros may be paid out without deductions.

Big leaps cannot necessarily be made with it. Because the premiums mitigate above all the loss of purchasing power that employees had to accept last year. According to the trade union Hans Böckler Foundation, wages increased by a comparatively weak 1.7 percent in 2021. At the same time, according to initial estimates, prices rose more than they had in a long time by 3.1 percent – in real terms, most people had less in their pockets.

The Verdi union is still trying to enforce corona bonuses at Postbank and Deutsche Bank before the time window for this closes. Only nurses can hope. The SPD, Greens and FDP want to give them a tax-free Corona bonus of up to 3,000 euros.

In 2020, employees in geriatric care received a state-funded bonus of up to 1,500 euros, and many employees in nursing received up to 1,000 euros from health insurance funds.

There were also particular burdens in the pandemic for employees in retail. The Schwarz Group, with its Lidl and Kaufland chains, has repeatedly paid out bonuses to over 170,000 employees in Germany. According to the company, this sum totaled 95 million euros for the years 2020 and 2021. The employees of the drugstore chain dm also received special corona payments in addition to a year-end payment. In 2020 it was a total of 400 euros each in the form of a goods voucher and a special payment.

According to its own statements, the discounter Aldi Süd thanked them three times with corona bonuses, partly as a goods voucher, partly as a special payment – with employees in sales and logistics doing better than administration. At the sister company Aldi Nord, employees received a voluntary special benefit in March 2020 in the form of a goods voucher worth 250 euros.

The consequences of the Corona crisis led to significant additional business at Deutsche Post – also because shops had been closed in the meantime, people ordered significantly more electronics or clothing on the Internet and received more packages from before. The employees received a special corona bonus of 300 euros in 2020 and 2021.

According to a spokesman, RWE paid 2021 employees a one-time payment of 1,000 euros. In the ThyssenKrupp industrial group
there was no uniform rule. A spokesman said the reason was “different operational circumstances”. For example, one-off payments of 500 euros were made for employees in the metal and steel tariffs. The individual Thyssenkrupp companies decided whether additional corona bonuses were or will be paid.

In some companies, special payments are not the only way to grant employees compensation: In April 2021, the software manufacturer SAP organized a “Mental Health Day” – an additional and paid vacation day for the more than 100,000 employees worldwide. There was also a share-based participation program for which SAP made an additional EUR 50 million available in 2021.

At the Karlsruhe energy supplier EnBW, a “holiday donation” was introduced for employees in 2021 in addition to a corona bonus. The idea: Employees can donate remaining vacation time to colleagues who urgently need vacation days to look after their children or relatives. According to EnBW, more than 4,500 vacation days came together in 2020.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Europa-Park in Baden-Württemberg has offered a voluntary increase in short-time work benefits and a seasonal bonus distributed over months for a total of millions. At the Volkswagen subsidiary Porsche in Stuttgart, corona bonuses have not been an issue so far. However, the sports car manufacturer is known for the lavish bonus that it pays to employees: in the 2020 financial year it was 7,850 euros. The car manufacturers traditionally give hefty bonuses. The approximately 100,000 employees at Daimler will receive a profit share of up to 6,000 euros for 2021. (dpa)


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