The Star Wars galactic canteen in Barcelona

You’d tell someone to pinch you, but everyone you meet looks like a alien. You meet guys with tentacles on the headbeings of luminous eyes, humanoids that release words more incomprehensible than Rajoy. or are you in one galaxy far far away or have you sneaked into the house of Iker Jimenez.

This is a very, very close galaxy: the Espai Jove La Fontana (Greater of Gràcia, 190). Today it is a canteen like the ones in tatooine: can drink blue milkto eat green donuts with baby yoda air and play sabaccthe galactic poker with which Han Solo he won his ‘Millennium Falcon’. There will be 200 specimens of all races of ‘starwars‘. The capacity was completed three days before the event. “We had to make a celebration how he played”, says Sofía, today under the skin of a showy twi’lek. What to celebrate? that have been fulfilled 45 years of the premiere from the first movie george lucas saga. It will not stay in a single tribute, advance. “It is possible that The Galactic Canteen come back with small changes or collaborating in larger conventions & rdquor ;.

Sofía Guerrero is one of the founders of fandocracy, together with Mara Antón and Víctor Fernández. Today the three would go unnoticed in an intergalactic control. fandocracy is a producer of themed events. They’ve been riding for years science fiction parties: sorcerer encounters, stays in the magical underworld, until hobbit picnics. Immersive leisure. Its objective? “Link the most geeky part with the cultural & rdquor ;, they answer.

When you enter they give you a imperial credit, the bitcoin of space, and you are dropped on the outer edge of the Empire. So you do what I would Han Solo in your place: you run to spend it at the bar.

A C-3PO announces “popular prices” in front of the bar. “Víctor”, the barman appears bragging about ‘lekkus‘. That’s what they call in ‘Star wars‘ to the two tentacles that come out of his skull. “The bigger they are, the more virile you are & rdquor ;, she informs you arching her eyebrows. “I have nothing to make up for & rdquor ;, she smiles.

The alien bartender recommends that you start with blue milk. The famous bantha milkwhich is that huge bug in the movies with the air of galactic mammoth. “We have milked 4 or 5 already”, a clone of Obi Wan Kenobi. And they serve you a blue glass topped with cream. It tastes like soy milk, you would say. Another couple of customers lean on the bar, they order beer. “Don’t you want a little bantha pee?”, Victor shakes his head and tentacles. “Humans do not know how to drink & rdquor ;.

As soon as you sit down to catch your breath, you are dealt two cards. In five minutes they teach you to play sabacc. They often compare it to poker. Lourdes and Iona make a face of doubt. “There is no poker face or bluffing & rdquor ;, shrug mother and daughter. They just learned and teach you with jedi patience. You win the first game. The galactic luck of the beginner, they tell you without bringing out their dark side.

What makes you hungry? Here you can sink your teeth into Darth Vader in ‘cookie’ format already baby yoda donut version of matcha tea. “food from another galaxy& rdquor ;, announces a poster. Today’s star is Empanada of the Empire flavored with porgs (They’re the cat-eyed galactic penguins from Shrek from ‘The Last Jedi’). “We have been doing 10 years freaky events”, smiles Debbie Vera, from the creative pastry workshop Vivian’s Delight, with a store in Esplugues. make up drinkable potions that shine like Harry Potter.

In the background there is a gang of Jedi and Sith training with laser swords. They are students of Ludosportlightsaber combat academy For 14 years this film discipline has been competitive sport.

A few meters away, an Empire officer recruits soldiers for the imperial navy. You try aiming with the blaster, but you hit less than Toni Cantó choosing party. The officer gives you a villainous look and hands you a piece of paper: “Not suitable for infantry forces”. “For a trooper It’s perfectly fine & rdquor ;, protests a spectator under a helmet. “Everyone dies & rdquor ;.

you come across Jawas bright-eyed, sand dwellersa Chewbacca at the height of the one in the movies: he measures 2.35. “We make the suits as a family: my mother, my sister and I & rdquor ;, he explains Dani Avila still hot after taking off the XXL mop of hair. He has managed to last two hours in there. Are the heats worth it? “Yes -nods-, just to see the delusion”.

music for space stations

Most have a closet full of sci fi clothing. “The strange thing is to see us dressed normally & rdquor ;, Miquel and Fiorella smile. His 2-year-old son is the one who fights with a lightsaber with the bravado of Anakin Skywalker.

it looks a lot intergalactic craftsmanperformances from another world, such as that of Sunesiswith his “music for space stations& rdquor ;, that’s how she defines it, and even some canteen brawl with action specialists.

“The community of Barcelona It’s fantastic & rdquor ;, say the Stubbingtons. They’re a english cosplayer family settled in the city for 8 years: @familyof4cosplay, On Instagram. His handcrafted props would render C-3PO speechless.

“In Barcelona there are many fans who not only live their hobbies, but also create activities to weave a community of which to be part & rdquor ;, points out Víctor Fernández, one of the organizers. Here “they celebrate the big conventions oldest in the country -he adds-, but also many youth events: self-published illustration and comic workshops such as k boom -lists-, the literary festival 42the EuroSteamConthe Witch MarketJapanese culture festivals such as the Matsuriwhich is this next weekend… & rdquor ;.

Two hours here and the phrase comes out of inertia. You release it with more confidence than Julio Iglesias: “I am your father & rdquor;. It is inevitable to end up surrendered to Dark side. As soon as you spend 10 minutes under the hull of Darth Vader.

“It is long-suffering, but very satisfying”, Dani Robles promises you. He is he Darth Vader of the association Star Wars Catalunya. He lends you his suit so you know how one feels hollywood superstar. “Have I ever been asked autographs& rdquor ;, he assures.

Helps you put on your padded suit, armor, layera speaker with breath from beyond the grave. Beware of kicking children, it warns you. As soon as you put on the helmet, you don’t see anything from the waist down. “You owe it to your fans”, insists Dani before letting you go in the canteen. And he teaches you to move your arm to drown from a distance. It’s the first thing Darth Vader is asked to do. “Can you drown me?”.

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You feel more famous than a Kardashian. You appear in the room and a whirlpool of open-mouthed acolytes assembles. You look behind your back, in case there is a real celebrity behind you. No, what do they say to you? “Can I take a picture with you? & rdquor ;, they ask you with fan craving. And yes, you smile under the helmet in every photo. You last 10 minutes, 15 with drops of Camacho-level sweat. On the Dark Side more is spent hot flashes than when listening to Villarejo’s recordings. But it’s worth it, yes. The force rush It accompanies you for several hours.

What hooks? “Everything & rdquor ;, summarize the two winners of the cosplay contest: Sonia and Angel, Mandalorians with handmade armor. “The most beautiful thing about being a freak -they add- is the solidarity”. They usually do a lot of events with children. The next day, he will run a charity race dressed as a ‘trooper’.
