The star player bet on his own team’s matches – a tough penalty

Calvin Ridley’s break from NFL matches continues longer than expected.

Atlanta Falcons booked Calvin Ridley at the 2018 booking ceremony in the first round. He was the 26th booking of the entire event. AOP

The top series in American football is one of the star players in the NFL Calvin Ridley has been caught betting on NFL matches.

The Atlanta Falcons winger bet on a five-day period in November.

The NFL gave the top player a substantial penalty. Ridley was banned from playing for the entire next season.

Ridley’s betting also included three Falcons matches. According to NFL data, Ridley bet on Falcons to win in each of these matches. According to ESPN, the total bet was $ 1,500.

The reservation for the first round of 2018 has been sidelined for games since the end of October last season. Ridley, 27, who suffers from mental health problems, stopped playing for the rest of the season.

According to ESPN, Falcons received several offers for its star player before the news, but declined to negotiate. The club has been aware of the NFL investigation since February.

Ridley has pleaded guilty. He is the fifth player in NFL history to be caught betting on league games.

In 2020, Calvin Ridley knocked down as many as 1,374 yards and nine touchdowns. That season is the best in the winger’s career so far. AOP
