The staff of the Finnish Olympic Committee issued a statement

The staff of the Olympic Committee is disappointed with the handling of harassment cases, but considers seeking an external investigation to be a decision in the right direction.

The staff of the Finnish Olympic Committee issued a statement In connection with cases of harassment by the Olympic Committee.

– The staff of the Finnish Olympic Committee strongly condemns all inappropriate behavior and harassment. We want it to be treated in the Olympic Committee, in sports and in sport, and in society as a whole, to the highest possible ethical, moral and legal standards, the statement begins.

There has been a stir around the Olympic Committee over the leadership of the top sports unit, which has now resigned. Mika Lehtimäki case. Lehtimäki has at least sent inappropriate messages in October.

Not in line with values

Mika Lehtimäki resigned as head of the Olympic Committee’s top sports unit. Jussi Eskola

Chairman of the Board of the Olympic Committee Jan Vapaavuori held a press conference on Thursday. At the event, Iltalehti asked if Vapaavuori was aware of other possible harassment cases at the Olympic Committee.

Vapaavuori said that he was also aware of the second case. Ilta-Sanomat reports later on Thursday this case will be associated with the Tokyo 2021 Olympics. The case of harassment has been known to Vapaavuori before the case of Lehtimäki went public.

– The personnel have submitted their views to the Board of the Olympic Committee before yesterday’s meeting. In line with our view, we strongly abandon the way in which the continuation of Mika Lehtimäki’s employment has been handled and how it has been decided. It is not in line with the values ​​of the Olympic Committee’s staff, the staff’s statement continues.

The staff was disappointed with the processing

Jan Vapaavuori does not intend to resign as Chairman of the Board of the Olympic Committee. Jenni Gästgivar / Iltalehti

Lehtimäki was allowed to continue in his duties, even though the October harassment was known. Lehtimäki received a warning about his actions at that time. Yle reportsthat although Lehtimäki received a warning about the messages, the case also involves “physical harm”. Lehtimäki has denied physical abuse.

Vapaavuori said on Thursday that the Olympic Committee intends to refer the Lehtimäki case to an independent body. Vapaavuori told about his intention to talk to the Finnish Sports Ethics Center.

The Olympic Committee staff considers that seeking an external investigation is a “decision in the right direction”. However, other activities are being criticized.

– The staff of the Olympic Committee is disappointed with the way the matter has been handled by both the government and the public. The staff calls on the Presidium and the Board to make clear decisions and take responsibility, and to improve the management, operating and decision-making culture.

You can read the full statement from this link.
