The stadium Dpcm is ready: a control room is born to help the projects

Between today and tomorrow, the decree that activates an interministerial task force to facilitate construction, renovation or urban regeneration projects around the plants

The stadium Dpcm should come to light in the next few hours, between today and tomorrow. With its approval, an inter-ministerial booth will be created which will become the nerve center to help all construction, renovation or urban regeneration projects around the sports facility (see stadiums in Florence and Venice with part of the funding blocked by Europe in the Pnrr chapter) . The task force, which will have the sports minister Andrea Abodi as its president, will include all the interested departments, but also Federcalcio and Coni together with a representative of the State-Regions Conference and the president of the Sports Credit Institute.


This is not a commissioner structure, but an instrument that will have to build the conditions to facilitate projects in their various stages of progress. It will not only concern the stadiums involved in Italy’s candidacy for Euro 2032 (Rome, Milan, Allianz Stadium in Turin, Genoa, Bologna, Florence, Verona, Naples, Cagliari, Bari and Palermo) but all the initiatives that go in the direction of renewal of the ancient Italian plant engineering heritage. Of course, the government Dpcm will still be valuable for the dossier that the Football Federation is preparing to send to Noyon, the headquarters of UEFA, a decisive step for the September-October sprint when the European Football Federation will choose between us and Turkey for the assignment of the European 2032.

Today the conference

Last Saturday, the CEO of the Serie A League Luigi De Siervo had made another appeal to the institutions to adopt a change on the stadium front during the conference of the Sport City Foundation in Salsomaggiore. And today the theme will return to the fore with the conference organized by the Serie A League at the Hall of Honor on the CONI which will also be attended by Minister Abodi, the president of the FIGC Gabriele Gravina and that of the Serie A League, Lorenzo Casini.


The dpcm does not provide for an actual allocation of resources. However, it should encourage the establishment of a private-public fund capable of becoming a point of reference here too for helping projects. A way to overcome the “frustration” of those who might have the resources but end up in the middle of an itinerary of postponements and denied or frozen permits. From today on, it will be understood if we are really close to a turning point.
