The sports show on Samsung Bixby, Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant: This is how it works! – Sports show in 100 seconds

Amazon Echo

Activate you the”Sports show in 100 seconds” in the settings of the Amazon Alexa app under “Daily summaryor say “Alexa, turn on the sports show“. with “Alexa, give me my daily summary Alexa will then play the 100 seconds in your daily summary.

Go to the Amazon Skill Store or say, “Alexa, turn on Sports Watching” to launch the skill.

With “Live broadcast from the sports show” you can currently listen to our DFB Cup reports and Champions League games with German participation.

With “Play the 100 seconds from the sports show” you get our 100 seconds – also as a video if your device has a display. In any case, it is important that you “…say about the sports show”. Otherwise, Alexa will not start the sports show content.

“Alexa, activate the sports show” activates the skill, if it has never been used, if the skill is already activated, you can start it with this statement, but also with “start the sports show”).

Google home

on Google homedevices or on the mobile on the Google Assistant can you use the “Sports show in 100 seconds” with “Hey Google, play me the sports show in 100 seconds listen

or activate the 100 seconds in the settings of the Google Home app under “Messages and you will get the audio in your “my day“-summary with the call “Ok Google/Hey Google, how’s my day going?“.

Say “Talk to the sports show” on Google Home devices or on your cell phone via the Google Assistant and you can use it to listen to our DFB Cup reports and Champions League games with German participation.

You can also change the 100 seconds in the settings of the Google Home app under “Messages” and you will get the audio in your “my day“-summary with the call “Ok Google/Hey Google, how’s my day going?”.

Apple HomePod

on HomePoddevices or on the mobile can you use the “Sports show in 100 seconds” with “Hey Siri, what’s new from the sports show listen Simply subscribe to the “Sportschau” podcast app.

Samsung Bixby

On all Samsung devices with Bixby voice assistants, such as cell phones or smartwatches (or soon TVs, fridges and headphones), “Hi Bixby, show me the latest sports news!” the latest reports from the sports show.

Try “Play the Champions League Live”, “Statistics of the Bundesliga” or “Play the sports show in 100 seconds”. In addition to the live results, you can also query past results.
