The spear star tries to return to the top after the injuries

Andreas Hofmann, 30, makes a return to the top.

Andreas Hofmann’s record of 92.06 is from 2018. AOP

Doha World Championships 2019. Germany Andreas Hofmann goes to the desert as one of the pre-favorites. The European Champion silver medalist of the previous season and the winner of the Zurich Diamond League with a wild result of 91.44 speaks confidence.

– I said before the qualifiers after a great preparatory training that I will fly far and in the finals the spear will be like a rocket, Hofmann recalls.

The man will be eliminated. The result is a modest 80.06.

– My body was abnormal. I don’t know if I got up on the wrong foot. The qualifier was a really bad disappointment.

Qatar’s failure was set off by a holiday trip with a girlfriend.

– For four days I was so tired that I took several 30-60 minute days. The season was too long for me and I had too much stress.

The following summer, Hofmann decided to rest a little more, but of course put it all in. He missed the 2012 London Olympics due to an elbow injury and could not fit in the 2016 Brazil. Tokyo was due to return with a medal in 2020.

– Then came Korona and half a year’s work was wasted.

Tokyo was postponed for a year. Hofmann put in a little effort, but came to Turku for the Paavo Nurmi Games in August 2020. He threw 85.24 until he collapsed in the final round.

– The outrigger betrayed from below and the whole body was in a really unbalanced position. It felt like all the energy of the performance went to the elbow. After the race in the shower, I noticed that the elbow area of ​​my right hand was swollen, he continues.


In this race in Turku 2020, the German’s elbow broke. Roni Lehti

Ultrasound showed a sprain in the hand. However, the pain was present in the fall of 2020.

– In 2012, the doctor who operated on my elbow said that at rest it would pass.

In January 2021, throwing training began. The elbow still touched.

– Magnetic images were taken and the doctor said that I practically have no ligaments at all at the elbow of the throwing hand.

The information happened.

– I was in the car and screaming when the doctor called. I shouted that this could not be true.

The elbow was cut in February 2021. The season passed, although one of the 78-meter Hofmann was stabbed.

Low fat percentage

The German is making a return to the top of the world after difficult years. AOP

– Now I’m really strong mentally and I’m sure my hand is perfectly fine. It is much stronger than after the first surgery. Then in the year went 9 months on a break, now only 4.5 months. I plan to be at my best for the next few years and compete in the 2024 Paris Olympics, the German says.

Physically, a man is fit for life. There is not a single gram of extra fat in the 110-pound body. The fat percentage is only 7.5.

This season has gone 87 meters at its best. Hofmann’s throwing technology is better than ever, but the momentum gets stuck.

– Kropa’s balance is better at a quiet pace. At a stronger pace, the outrigger pegs. In every workout I try to solve this problem. Once it is in order, the spear will fly well over 90 meters.

At the Paavo Nurmi Games in Turku on Tuesday, Hofmann threw only 76.19 and was left as a jumbo.
