The Spanish guarantee that the highest incomes pay more taxes

The Government he has the citizenry on his side to raise taxes on the rich. The October barometer published by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) indicates that the new tax that the Executive wants to impose on fortunes greater than three million euros will not take its toll on them at the polls: more than 80% of Spaniards are “quite in agreement” in which those who have more pay more taxes. “We need economic resources, we need taxes,” said Sánchez on the congressional platform a few weeks ago, and the citizens seem to agree.

For more than an hour, the president made it clear last Tuesday that the Government intends to put all the meat on the grill to protect the Welfare State, but for that it is necessary “fiscal co-responsibility”. The head of the Executive has spent weeks claiming the need to strengthen public services and, for this, the obligation to increase State collection. He has come to warn that the PP’s tax reduction policies would only lead to the destruction of public health.

With this intention, the Government announced a fiscal reform at the end of September that includes the so-called ‘solidarity tax’ which will tax fortunes greater than three million euros. Sánchez has not stopped saying since then that he has the support of the public and it seems that way. The 52.2% of those surveyed by the CIS strongly agreed “with the criterion that those who have more wealth pay more taxes” and 28.1% said they quite agree.

Last Tuesday, Sánchez challenged Feijóo to say whether or not he was in favor of this new tax. The Chief Executive pressed him stating that many PP voters support the creation of this tax that, if approved, will be in force during 2023 and 2024. According to the CIS barometer, 58.5% of Spaniards who voted for Pablo Casado in 2019 consider that the richest should contribute to a greater extent. Some figures very similar to those that are repeated between the electorate of Vox and Ciudadanos.

tax equalization

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This new tax, which the Socialists are studying to process together with the levies on banks and large energy companies, would nullify the tax credits of 100% of the Patrimony tax announced in Andalusia or Madrid. Sánchez denounced on Tuesday that the campaign promoted by the conservatives in different communities is a “indiscriminate tax dispute down” that “is not reasonable.” And this opinion is also shared by the citizens. Seven out of ten believe that the same taxes should be paid regardless of the place in which you live. And, once again, 66.8% of PP voters in 2019 think this way.

Spanish citizens do not consider that the increase in taxes is one of the main problems that most affect their lives. Only 7.8% place it among the three difficulties that most concern them. In the case of PP voters it rises to 11.4% and among those of Vox and Cs it rises to 15.9%.
