The space to the left of the PSOE is divided into 14 brands in the regional elections

It is already customary in the last decade, at the gates of regional elections, that voters (or curious) try to unravel the electoral brands that are presented to the left of the PSOE. This year, with the 28-M elections around the corner, you have to do it again. It is even more essential than ever to understand what happens in the future with Yolanda Diaz. The vice president is not running for the regional elections -neither is Sumar, her project-, but the dozen parties that she wants to unite for the general elections do, although they appear broken down in 15 regional ballots different to be able to vote on them 12 communities and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

The casuistry is very varied and for everyone’s taste. In 9 of the 12 autonomies, Podemos and IU have reached coalition agreements, many more than in 2019, although in each one with different travel companions; in others, those of Ione Belarra and Alberto Garzon they have not been able to agree; there are territories where regionalist parties allied to Díaz will compete against the purple ones; and others (the least, yes) where strange friendships have been made.

Podemos and IU are presented in all the communities, but in several of them they will have tough competition from those who have also supported the leader of Sumar in recent months: Más Madrid (Community of Madrid), Compromís (Comunitat Valenciana), Proyecto Drago (Canary Islands) or the Aragonese Chunta (Aragon). The lack of unity will be extra work for the voter when it comes to choosing a ballot, but, above all, for the second vice president who will have to decide where to campaign and how to reach an agreement after the battle at the polls.

Aragon he resists any agreement. Since the irruption of Podemos, this territory has given birth to few pacts between the leftist formations and it will continue to be so. Of the 12 autonomous communities that will install the polls, 28M is the only one in which there will be three different ballots from three parties called to form part of Sumar in the coming months: Can, UI and the Aragonese Chunta. Unlike the purples, representatives of the latter formation attended the announcement of Díaz’s candidacy on April 2.

The second territory in which there has never been an agreement between Can and UI is Asturias. This year it will continue like this. Each formation will present its own ballots, although with a small detail. Those of Garzón have sealed an agreement with More Asturiasthe territorial branch of the party led by Íñigo Errejón, More Country. A third option will be team, who will attend alone. To this is added the internal problems of Podemos after they have opened a process to expel their candidate, Covadonga Tomé, elected in primaries.

In Canary Islands Yes, there has been an agreement. Or, rather, agreements. In plural. On the one hand, the coalition Canary Green Dragon Treeformed by Proyecto Drago, the party of the former deputy of Podemos alberto rodriguez, Equo and The Greens. For another, United Yes We Can, where Podemos, IU and Sí se puede have allied. The division of the vote could wreck the progressive majority that currently supports the insular government.

Cantabria It is one of those autonomous communities in which an agreement was impossible in 2019, but which is now increasing the number of territories agreed between Can and UI. However, unity will not be total with Equo Greens submitting a solo application. It is one of the territories in which the coalition will have to make the most effort after they did not obtain representation in the previous elections.

In Castilla la Mancha It will be one of the territories where voters have it easier when choosing a ballot on Sunday, May 28, since the unit is complete. In the same list they will concur We can, IU, Equo and Green Alliance after an agreement closed in February. Más País was left out of the pact, although the formation decided not to present itself to the autonomic ones on its own list. As in Cantabria, the purples did not obtain any seats in the Cortes in 2019.

In the Valencian Community It is where one of the great battles in space to the left of the PSOE will take place. In a list will be commitmentwith Joan Baldoví, very close to Díaz, as a candidate for the Generalitat. In front of him he will have the current vice president of the Generalitat, Hector Illuecaas head of the list of United Podem-United Esquerra. This territory will be one of the most complicated for the leader of Sumar if she intends to campaign, but at stake will be the reissue of the Botànic pact.

As in Castilla-La Mancha, the ballot United by Extremadura It will be the only one to the left of the PSOE that is under the umbrella of the second vice president and will unite Podemos, IU and Alianza Verde. Despite the fact that in 2019 they presented themselves with Equo Greens, this formation was expelled months ago from the coalition. The absolute majority of the socialist Guillermo Fernandez Vara made the four seats they won in 2019 unnecessary.

The Balearic IslandsLike the Canary Islands, it is a territory in which there will also be an electoral battle. Podemos and IU will stand in the elections under the brand United we can and in front they will have Month per Majorca, a regionalist formation that Díaz wants to be part of Sumar for the national elections at the end of the year. This battle has already occurred before, but now it becomes important with the second vice president trying to attract Més to her project.

Another of the most complex territories will be the Community of Madrid. Because of the importance and weight of a victory in this territory and because of the struggle (the main one) that will take place between United We Canthe ballot Can and UIand More Madrid. The leader of this formation, Monica Garciawho flanked Díaz in his launch act, ruled out an agreement with the purples from the beginning, making it difficult for the second vice president to campaign in the country’s capital.

four years ago, Murcia was one of the communities he broke into More Region, the territorial brand of Más País. Facing the 28M, the forces on the left have tried to close an agreement that would unite all the parties. However, it has been impossible. Finally, on the one hand there will be United We Can -Podemos, IU and Alianza Verde- and, on the other, Coalición Verde, in which Más País and Equo are integrated.

Navarre It will be an example of unity. While in 2019 voters had to choose between three ballots (Can, UI and team), this 2023 the agreement has reigned. the coalition With you Navarre group to Can, UI, team, Green Alliance and batzarrea formation with which the leader of Sumar has also built bridges in recent years.

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The only autonomous community in which it is not yet known what will happen is The Rioja. After Podemos and IU went together to the 2019 elections and the months you broke up, both formations have been immersed in a conflict since the end of 2022 negotiation which, for the moment, has not borne fruit. Time is running out. This Friday, at midnight, the Electoral Board will close the period to register coalitions. Both formations assure that they will squeeze the term until the end. Depending on the result, La Rioja may be the tenth community in which an agreement is reached either the third in which disunity reigns.

Completing the map of the 28M elections, in the two autonomous cities, Podemos will present itself alone. In front of her will be two political actors with whom the second vice president has been building bridges for months and whom she has also called to ally with Sumar in the face of the general elections: Movement for Dignity and Citizenshipin Ceuta, and Coalition for Melilla. However, these confrontations are of a lesser importance given the limited presence of the purples in the two autonomous cities.
