The smallest school in North Holland is permanently closed

The Michaëlschool in Zuidschermer is closing permanently. The executive board of education and care organization Blosse decided this today. The reason for the closure of the smallest school in the province is the persistent teacher shortage.

In a press statement, Blosse writes that the school will close from January 1, 2024. This has everything to do with the shortage of teachers. Two teachers and the director leave and Blosse is unable to replace them. The school has been struggling with this problem for some time and was closed early last month already mentioned.

Replacement not possible

“The current staff shortage in the Netherlands and in the region makes it impossible to sustainably strengthen the Michaël School team with new colleagues in the near future. Blosse must therefore conclude that it is no longer possible to ‘provide good education'” , the organization said.

The decision has now been shared with the parents of the children who attend school at the school. It is a hard blow: the Executive Board understands the impact of closing the school. That is why the organization will help find a new school for the students, where the children can continue their education from January 8. “The well-being of the children will always come first,” says Blosse.
