The six accused of the sale of a 12-year-old girl for a debt acknowledge the facts


06/28/2023 at 20:12


They face a crime of human trafficking and, some of them, also a sexual assault

The Prosecutor’s Office modifies its qualification to adapt it to the law of only yes is yes

Seen for sentencing the trial in the case of 12 year old girl sold in Cordova. The six defendants have acknowledged the facts, this Wednesday, before the judge, during a trial that ended ahead of schedule thanks to the agreement between the parties. However, the prosecution has modified your rating to adapt it to the new regulations, according to judicial sources.

The sex crimes -the little girl was the victim of a sexual assault- and their corresponding penalties will be adapted to the new law of only yes is yes. Which will likely result in reduced sentences. Trafficking in persons, on the other hand, varies in its typology and forced marriage disappearsWhen considered, the same sources explain that there is no such marriage since the rite used has no legal value.

Of the six defendants, three are men and three are women. On the bench have sat the mother of the minorhis sentimental couplethe two intermediaries and two members of the family who bought the girl (one of them, aunt of the nephew who married her). other minor of age, involved in the case, was previously prosecuted. In total, from the National Police investigation, the results seven people arrestedthree of them in A Coruña and four in Córdoba.

to settle a debt

the little one lived in the settlement of Las Quemadillas with his mother and her partner. They owed money to two people and, as the Prosecutor’s qualification details, by mutual agreement they decided to give the daughter to a Galician family of the same ethnic group to be married. Thanks to this, they would get the money to settle their debt. Thus, the minor, enrolled in a school in the capital of Córdoba, was transferred to A Coruña against her will.

In the course of events, moreover, the girl was the victim of sexual assault in which, according to sources close to the case, one of the accused women participated, who would have held the little girl, and her mother as the party responsible for allowing it to happen. According to the Prosecutor’s first qualification, all the defendants are accomplices in a crime of trafficking in human beings. But, in addition, three of them add a crime of sexual assault that would aggravate their sentences.

Two years later

The investigation about this case was started in March 2021. He Court of Instruction number 7 of Córdoba he instructed it -although it later passed into the hands of the Provincial Court- and it was agents of the Judicial Police who began to carry out the first inquiries. In coordination with the National Police Corps in A Coruña, they established surveillance and they practiced records both in the capital of Córdoba and in the A Coruña neighborhood of Monte Alto. The minor, after being located and released by agents of the National Police, was examined and health care. Subsequent analyses, reported by the National Institute of Toxicology, revealed presence of human semen in the girl. the little one was supervised by the social services of the Xunta de Galicia and, according to sources close to the case to this newspaper, two years later, he continues in the same situation.
