The situation at the car service made Oona Airola angry: “It’s strange”

About the main star of the Ohjus movie, Oona Airola, it is good that the work brings out the border theme also in relation to gender norms.

Actor I am Airola, 35, the pace of work was hard last year. It can also be seen in this year’s entertainment selection: Starring Airola Four small adults– and Missile-movies as well GraveyardThe premieres of the second season of the series are consecutive.

Today, he has learned that doing many things at the same time does not suit him.

– I focus on not cluttering my head, but do one job at a time. I live one day at a time, the actor tells Iltalehte Missileat the film’s press conference.

– At the time when I was getting tired, my friend gave me a great tip: “Always paint one day a week black on the calendar so you can’t write anything on it”. In other words, give yourself some time on the calendar. But I’ve thought about it another way: I never look at what happens the next day. It helps me to be present, he adds.

A woman’s “no”

The film Ohjus, starring Airola, deals with big topics, such as borders with both people and Russia. The actor himself interprets the border theme so that it also deals with gender norms.

– Everything about what gender roles women or men are used to growing up. They have been really tight, which has been really on the surface at the moment, he opens.

Airola plays the character of Niina in the movie Ohjus. Inka Soveri

The events of the film take place in the 1980s, when sexism was much more blatant than it is now. However, Airola has noticed that even today it is much easier to cross women’s borders than men’s.

– Situations come to mind where a woman still has to take a man as her advocate if she needs to get her way through. There are really situations in life where you are not listened to just because you are a woman.

– The woman herself even has to be ashamed of it. A woman’s “no” is not as strong as a man’s. That “no” is just your throw, where you start to come up with ways to turn it into a “go”.

Airola has noticed that a woman’s “no” is not as strong as a man’s. Inka Soveri

Airola says that she recently found herself in a situation where she noticed that people’s treatment varies depending on the person’s gender. Some time ago, the actress was at a car service, where she had to take on the “role of a stupid girl” in order to get normal service.

– It’s so much easier, because otherwise you’re a burdensome woman who imagines she knows something. If you want customer service to be pleasant, you have to throw yourself into the role of a cool girl. It’s strange. You will be reminded of your gender immediately, the actor states.

– I became sickly angry when I realized that men have not gone through such things. If a man wants to service his car, it will be taken care of, and there is no need for a power struggle, he adds.

Airola just hopes that the film will wake up women, men and other genders to examine their own and society’s attitude towards gender norms.

– I would hope that someone would recognize that they are a person who defines others grossly. I think it would be great if someone were to find out that they are abusing their power in relation to others, he says at the end.

Ohjus movie premieres on February 2.

Oona Airola hopes that the Ohjus movie will wake up many people to think about the gender norms of today. Inka Soveri
