the simple but effective secret that more and more people do

06/17/2023 at 12:40 p.m.


You will see that what is created inside the electrical appliances… It has disappeared!

Home appliances have literally changed our lives. And they have simplified it a lot. Nowadays, we would hardly know how to get by without a washing machine, a refrigerator or a dishwasher.

However, for household appliances to do their job well, it is essential to use them following precise rules, clean them properly and check them regularly. For example, not everything can be washed in the dishwasher.

As for the washing machine, however, there is a gesture that we should all do at the end of the wash to preserve its functions and always have beautiful, soft, clean and perfumed clothes. In household chores, simple natural remedies often come to our aid.

Often are much more effective than expensive detergents and cleaners. In the following lines, we will see how to solve a very common problem with practically no expense. Cork stoppers are a residue that we find every day on the table at the end of a meal.

In fact, wine bottles are closed precisely with the classic cork. However, after opening the bottle, throwing away the corks is a big mistake. As we have already said, in fact, they are very helpful to solve a problem It happens in every home.

Take a cork and place it on a shelf in the fridge. If you want, you can also cut it into 2 or 3 parts and arrange the resulting pieces on several shelves. Do the same in the freezer or in the different drawers of it.

do it tonight already the next morning try to open the freezer and the fridge. You will immediately notice that, as if by magic, the usual stench that is created inside appliances has disappeared!
