The shot at Évole and Macarena’s secret plan

In the promotions of La Sexta, prior to the broadcast of the interview with Macarena Olona, I told him for example Cristina Pardo (‘Better Late’) to Jordi Evolewith terrifying content: “There are two days left before the interview is broadcast and you are already for some a launderer of fascism.” AND evole answered: “Of course, I was already a bleacher for Arnaldo Otegui, now I am a bleacher for Macarena Olona.” Anyway…

Indeed, this Monday, twelve hours after the interview, on the radio program of Jordi Baste (RAC1), Pablo Iglesias has thrown at evole This heavy caliber shot: “The extreme right is fought by pointing to those who open forums for them and normalize them.” In other words, the fear of Cristina Pardo (“They will accuse you of laundering!”) has been fulfilled.

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I am with évole. Journalistic work cannot be analyzed or questioned with a political gaze –with its phobias, allegiances, vetoes and slogans. I sincerely believe that Jordi Evole has done to macarena olona an excellent interview. as own evole He said: «I have not let him pass a single one. In my program nobody makes an apology for fascism without being answered by me ». So it has been. The marking, the cross-examination, and the mirror technique, reflecting the mutant faces of Macarena –what he was saying just eight months ago and what he is saying now– have been made clear in this interview. It is difficult to commune with mill wheels. the insistence of Olona Assuring that the same thing that happened to the protagonist of the movie ‘American History X’ has happened to her – in this case Vox History X – is hard to swallow. And more after having been practically the number three of Vox for three long years. And that evole He highlighted it repeatedly.

To this day, and only a few hours have passed, many analysts have already backstitched this interview. But no one has thought deeply about the question why macarena olona have you decided to speak now? Own evole He gave that same Sunday afternoon, on the program ‘La Roca’, a performance that seems fundamental to me. He said, about this search for television visibility: «He wants to lead a new formation. It is excellent news for the PP. Perhaps they will be able to add by agreeing with her and thus avoid agreeing with Vox ». In other words, perhaps the plan of macarena olona It has been secretly designed in some important office in the building on Calle Génova.
