The sex book on Prince Philip’s bookshelf caught the attention of the Photographer – Talks about a special situation in the podcast

Prince Philip’s former photographer recalls a funny moment with Prince Philip in the podcast.

Prince Philip is said to have reacted amusingly to the unusual situation. Annegret Hilse / SVEN SIMON

Royal photographer Julian Calder fondly remembers the deceased prince Philip A Right Royal on the podcast. During his career, he has taken numerous pictures of the prince and his wife the queen Elizabeth IIof during their last years of life.

According to the photographer, he remembers one funny moment in particular from the collaboration between him and the prince.

– I was once photographing Prince Philip in his office. I was very young then. He just stood there when I looked through the camera lens and noticed something. I realized that the bookshelf behind him had The Joy of Sex – an erotic book, he repeats, pointing by Dr. Alex Comfort to the international bestseller from 1972.

– I had to suggest to Prince Philip whether we should move the book. He laughed, then asked his servant to move it, he recalls.

Philip passed away peacefully at the age of 99 in April 2021 at Windsor Castle. His cause of death was found to be old age. In mid-February, Philip had to be hospitalized due to feeling unwell. The reason for the hospital visit was later reported as a “precautionary measure”, which Philip followed the doctor’s recommendation. Later, Buckingham Palace announced that Philip underwent heart surgery. This was done because of a previously known heart defect.

Queen Elizabeth II died at the age of 96, more than a year later than her husband, in September 2022. The cause of her death was also found to be old age, but in a later published Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait -biography claimed that the queen had cancer in her last months.

In the video, a compilation of the historical moments of Prince Philip’s life.

Source: People, Hello!
