The seven dimensions of scalability

Scalability is an important factor to consider when buying or building technology infrastructure for a business. Traditional installations that are not able to evolve become a handicap, which leads to slowdowns, sometimes costly reorganization and the possibility for competitors to get ahead.

Consumers expect websites, apps and platforms to always be functional. Speed, among other things, is a key factor. Studies have indeed proven that Internet users are not patient. 40% of consumers abandon a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. The effect is even stronger on mobile where the rate reaches 53% according to Google.

So why are so many companies struggling with scalability? It’s not that they failed to anticipate it; it’s because planning its scalability is much more complex than simply asking “will my model evolve?”.

We all know what “evolve/scale” means, but on closer inspection it becomes clear that scalability encompasses many different types of growth. In its most basic form, scalability refers to administrative, functional, and scalability — whether a system or process easily supports more users, additional features or functionality, and load spikes or rapid growth in use.

Businesses that want to grow faster need more than basic scalability. They need scalability that takes into account greater complexity and sophistication, the integration of new technologies, increased security and legal requirements, globalization and the acceleration of entering market.

Discover the seven dimensions of scalability that business leaders should consider when choosing a content platform or other key part of their technology infrastructure.
