The separation in Fenerbahçe was officially announced! Bora Aydınlık on loan to Hull City

Fenerbahçe’s 18-year-old football player, Bora Aydınlık, was loaned to Hull City, one of the British Championship teams. In the statement made on the official website of the yellow-dark blue people, it was stated that the young player’s temporary transfer to the British representative took place for 1 year.

The explanation made by the yellow-dark blue people is as follows;

In our Football A Team, whose structuring continues for the 2023-2024 season, Bora Aydınlık, one of our players trained in our Academy, has been rented to Hull City Club of England for one year. We wish our young player a successful season.

Bora Aydınlık, who grew up from Fenerbahçe’s infrastructure, performed 13 goals and 1 assist in 44 matches in the lower age categories of the yellow-dark blue team.
