The Senate still does not see Klimakleber as a criminal organization

By Gunnar Schupelius

Other federal states are determining whether a ban on the “last generation” would be possible. But the Senate prefers to wait, even though the climate adhesives are causing a lot of damage in Berlin. Nobody understands that, says Gunnar Schupelius.

If the “Last Generation” group were to be classified as a criminal organization within the meaning of the Criminal Code, then membership would be punishable and donations would no longer be permitted.

That would be an important step in putting a stop to climate adhesives. In other federal states, prosecutors are collecting evidence of this. In Munich, for example, investigations are being carried out in this direction and in Neuruppin. The Potsdam Regional Court expressed initial suspicion in the spring that the “Last Generation” should be classified as a criminal organization.

The Berlin prosecutors are not investigating in this direction. Justice Senator Badenberg (non-party, appointed by the CDU) asked her administration on May 23 to examine whether they should agree with the Potsdam Regional Court’s assessment.

This test has long been completed, but the results are being kept secret. Senator Badenberg got involved in contradictions. First she said that the lives of people in Berlin were “significantly affected and sometimes endangered” by the activists. She then explained that the climate stickers did not pose a “significant threat to public safety,” so they could not be classified as a criminal organization.

This is what it allegedly said in the test report, which is not published. The Berlin FDP wanted to see it, but was not given it and is now suing for its release under the Freedom of Information Act.

Where is the report and what does it say? When asked by the BZ, justice spokeswoman Barbara Helten wrote: “The test result is available to the senator.” It will soon be made available to the Legal Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives, but only “in a partially redacted form” because it “contains details of ongoing proceedings in other federal states.” .

The public does not even see the test results. We wanted to know how it was justified that the “Last Generation” should not be viewed as a criminal organization.

We got this answer: “The review showed that the situation is dynamic and therefore subject to constant reassessment.” Is that an answer? No, that’s not one.

We note: The Senator for Justice does not give an assessment as to whether the “Last Generation” can be banned. There will be no investigations by public prosecutors in this direction in Berlin.

The climate gluers can collect donations undisturbed and intentionally commit crimes every day, which then have to be sentenced individually by the courts, which are completely overloaded with them. Almost 2,500 (!) procedures have been opened so far.

The climate extremists take thousands of drivers hostage every day, they have damaged the Brandenburg Gate and the paint cannot be removed. They even wanted to deprive the marathon runners of their success, who had been training for months.

And the Senate is unable to reach a decision on a ban because the situation is “dynamic.” What else needs to happen for the government to finally take action to enforce the law?

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Read all of Gunnar Schupelius’s columns here
