The self-employed in private healthcare now have a platform: “We ask for freedom to work”

Act. at 2:46 p.m.


X+SALUD is presented, it is national and will deal with the defense before the Administration of health workers who carry out their activity “in a context of legal uncertainty”

He advanced it The Spanish Newspaperfrom Prensa Ibérica. Doctors of all specialties, psychologists, dentists, physiotherapists, podiatrists… Some 250,000 professionals who work in Spanish private healthcare as self-employed planned to associate to defend their interests. This Wednesday, at the headquarters of the Madrid College of Physicians (ICOMEM), the platform was announced. Will be called X+HEALTH, It will be national and will be made up of health workers. It will be in charge of “defending before the Administration the legal uncertainty in which many clinics carry out their activity; in addition to demanding clear regulations for legal-labor relations“.

On October 2, a Grand Amphitheater event at the Madrid College of Physicians took place that brought together more than 300 professionals from the health sector. Representatives of different schools signed a manifesto of adhesion and made the decision to establish a platform. Those affected describe the situation as “persecution” by labor inspections and of the General Treasury of Social Security being considered as ‘false self-employed’.

The Administration considers as employees professionals who are carrying out their activity autonomously or on their own account.

That is to say, as explained by the College of Physicians of Madrid, the Administration considers professionals who are carrying out their activity as employees. autonomously or on your own. Consequently, many of them “face million-dollar fines that have even ended with the closure of these businesses and embargoes.”

“Labour terrorists”

“Due to his long training and specialization, a doctor can decide whether or not he wants to be a work force, but it is not understood that an inspection persecutes us assuming that we are labor terrorists. In this sense, the College of Physicians of Madrid He is going to defend that freedom of the doctor. Through this platform – made up of health professionals from other fields, dentists, physiotherapists, podiatrists – we ask for more freedom when working,” he assured. Dr. María Cordónmember of free exercise doctors of ICOMEM.

At today’s meeting it was emphasized “in the need for regulation that ensures quality assistance to patients”. Dr. Manuel Martínez-Sellés, president of ICOMEM, has demanded that health professionals who want to continue providing service to their patients in a personalized way, with the highest quality of care and with total legal certainty, be allowed.

“The uncertainty and helplessness with which many colleagues are working is not acceptable,” says the president of the Madrid doctors

“The uncertainty and helplessness with which many colleagues are working is not acceptable. Health professionals are specialized and It is important that this is recognized. From the College of Physicians we are going to defend that the technical criteria of labor inspections is adapted to the reality of the health professions,” he added.

Legal uncertainty

For Timanfaya Hernández, vice dean of the Official College of Psychology of Madrid (COPM), this platform must contribute to generating “a common position” of all health professionals that allows the development of a criterion that guarantees legal certainty.

“This whole situation of legal uncertainty not only affects professionalsbut in the end it will have a direct influence on everything that is attention, the quality of patient care. It is important that the professional feels safe performing their job in an appropriate manner“, he pointed out.

The platform is expected to begin a round of meetings with judges, inspectors or political leaders

According to ICOMEM, it is planned that, starting this Wednesday, the platform will begin a round of meetings with judgesinspectors, political leaders, and organizations to transfer them how the health professional practices and make “an adapted regulation, modern, functional, clear and certain”.

During the event, it was announced who will represent this platform: Marisa Mendez for him Official College of Psychologists of Madrid and Manuel Paz, representing ICOMEM. “What we are looking for from this platform is that those professionals who want to grow, make their businesses grow and their activity can do safelywithout fear, without uncertainty, without doubt I’m doing it right or wrong“, Méndez indicated.
