The seduction operation of Together for the Change to Milei

The political future of javier milei it’s all unknown. Some consultants assure top managers of Together for Change that the Liberal will gradually deflate as the elections approach, but others consider that the percentage of votes that it obtains could harm the aspirations of its candidates, allowing the ruling party to retain the Government.

In the midst of uncertainty, several leaders began in recent days with an unprecedented operative seduction, after last year the opposition coalition made a statement to say that there was no place for the deputy in Juntos. They raised an old axiom of politics: Milei alone is not enough, but without him you can’t.

Radical deputies, Peronist leaders, mayors and even the former president Mauricio Macri They put the idea up for debate: Will it be necessary to make an electoral agreement with Milei?, they wonder. On the other side, the liberal deputy has a picnic with doubts in the main opposition coalition: “They are a group of failures,” he shot. Beyond the deep crisis of the Government, the opposition is full of questions.

The plan. The hypothesis of those who propose an approach to Milei is supported only by votes. It is that they calculate that the candidate for Buenos Aires governor of Freedom Advances could get between 10 and 15 points, dragged by the figure of the liberal economist. That, in a province that does not have a second ballot, would be catastrophic for the intentions of Together for Change and would benefit Axel Kicillof.

But the dispute is not reduced only to the Province. It is that losing Buenos Aires could also make them lose the Nation. There are too many risks.

“You have to turn the Buenos Aires election into a ballot with Milei, taking the result of the PASO”, the radical made the plan public martin tetaz in an interview with the program Modo Fontevecchia. And he completed: “We have to see who is the best opponent that Kicillof can compete hand in hand.”

Those who wish to seduce the leader of La Libertad Avanza are not proposing any strategic management alliance. They just want your votes, even though they admit that the ideological differences with Milei are substantial. In fact, Tetaz clarified his plan after the subject began to be discussed: “Nobody offered him to be part of JxC. We have made it clear a thousand times that we have nothing to do with it. They are different country projects,” he said.

The brand new project reached the ears of Macri who, far from being scared, listened carefully: “Can Milei lead a candidate for our governor?”, the former president questioned his own. None of the leaders who heard him at the Costa Galana hotel in Mar del Plata had a clear answer. The legislation had to be revised.

However, the plan they elaborate in Together for Change is much more rudimentary: it would be a tacit agreement that would be put into practice after the primaries. “The one who gets the fewest votes accompanies the other space and that’s it,” one of the ideologues confides to NOTICIAS.

Doubts. Milei, for her part, has already ruled out any type of formal alliance with Together for Change. And she did it true to his style: “Go and win the elections properly. They are wicked. People don’t know how authoritarian and undemocratic they are.”

The vision of the liberal leader Carlos Maslaton it went a little further. The man who wants to compete with Milei in the PASO not only ruled out an opposition agreement, but also slipped that they could play, consciously, so that Peronism retains power in Buenos Aires: “Freedom Advances cannot have any coordinated electoral strategy with Together for Change, because the mission in the Province is to make them fail in that district and in the entire country. We do not accept First World socialism,” he wrote on his Twitter account. Bomb.

The operation that was launched in recent days has its precedent. The gubernatorial candidate Joaquin de la Torre He was one of the first to address the issue: “If we need Milei’s votes, what are we going to do? We cannot throw it out the window ”, he raised a year ago, when the protagonists had not yet climbed onto the electoral scene.

the radical mayor Gustavo Posse He also got on the plan this week: “In the Province there is no ballot: you win or lose by one vote. There is nothing left to do but make a programmatic agreement,” he insisted. More and more followers appear.

Patricia Bullrich She is one of the few leaders of Together for Change that Milei holds in high regard. The president of the PRO rewards her with compliments: she went so far as to say, in 2022, that if she were elected president she would add the liberal to her Cabinet. He even said that he would accept the proposal. Now, she also slipped the idea: “Milei has made her match and wants to introduce herself. We are Together for Change. What has been discussed this week is in the Province, where there is only one round, it may happen that there are separate candidates or Milei may be offered a common participation”.

In that flirtation could be the key to the plan that the opposition coalition wants to carry out. After the furious criticism of the Liberal deputy, they could need it to win the elections. If the electoral alliance prospers, it will not be out of love, but rather fear will unite them for the Frente de Todos.

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