The secrets of Kim Kardashian’s new blonde

No.not only seven kilos lost in three weeks but also six months condensed into fourteen hours: for the Met Gala 2022 Kim Kardashian has undergone a real grueling makeover. From dark, almost black chocolate, the celeb with 307 million followers switch to Biondo Marilyn, tending to scandi for a very short time. A shade signed by her trusted hairstylist, Chris Appletonand that after all the efforts to obtain it he decided to keep.

Kim Kardashian, Blond Marilyn in fourteen hours

As is often the case with the Kardashian-Jenner clan, once again Kim Kardashian’s look caused a sensation. And not only because at the Met Gala 2022 she wore the same dress as Marilyn Monroe chosen to sing “Happy Birthday Mr President” at JFK in 1962 but because she underwent a real makeover to do so.

Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris / Getty Images for The Met Museum / Vogu

After losing 7 pounds in three weeks, she also abruptly changed her hairlook. From a brunette, in fact, Kim Kardashian has passed to a blond Marilyn tending to scandi. Behind the drastic change, Chris Appleton, hair stylist Kim often relies on. All in 14 hours.

Is it possible to bleach hair, from dark to blond Marilyn in no time?

Kardashian herself a Vogue US said she had spent the whole day in front of the mirror bleaching her hair with a process lasted approximately 14 consecutive hours“. But is it possible?

Yes, as the celeb herself told on social media. But it is not healthy for the hair. In fact, bleaching is a process that requires many stepswith particularly long shutter speeds and that must be done gradually if you don’t want to ruin the hair itself.

Kim Kardashian as Marilyn Monroe: at the Met Gala with the dress that made history

Kim Kardashian as Marilyn Monroe: at the Met Gala with the dress that made history

On average it takes about six weekstime needed especially if the starting shade is so dark.

The risks of a hasty discoloration

Bleaching is a process that acts directly on natural pigments of the stem, lightening them completely. Rather invasive for the shaft, if not done properly it tends to ruin the hair making it more sensitive and with a tendency to break.

In addition to the health of the hair itself, the risk of accelerating times as in this case is also that of interfering with the final result, involuntarily turning the hue towards reddish or straw blond. This is why the process is so long and other celebs, such as Selena Gomez or Billie Eilish, took a long time to switch to blond.

