The secret of the ice cream cake Viennetta

Restaurant critics Hiske Versprille (de Volkskrant) and Joel Broekaert (NRC) are not going to talk about expensive restaurants or traditional dishes. Their podcast series easy eaters is about ‘gastronomic low culture’. Say: something delicious that we all know, such as pink cake, ribbed chips, ball sandwich or foam blocks. They also talk about dining experiences, call sommelier Ava Mees List and help listeners with a failed dish. The first episode is devoted to Viennetta, the ice cream cake with chocolate layers that has been around for thirty years. Broekaert thinks of ‘Dutch petit-bourgeois conviviality’. Why is she such a big success? Can you also recreate it at home? And how do you get that crunchy chocolate with that delicious ‘crunch’, like you get with a Magnum?
